into the boring technical details of why this happened but just suffice it to say that the numbers became too big for the wallet to handle them.
If you are looking to correct this situation so you can be able to not lose your coins and also be able to participate in the upcoming changes for this coin here is a quick tutorial I put together that you can follow to get your balance back positive again. I've run the procedure and tested it out and can verify that it does work.
Step 1:
Open the powercoin.conf file and add: staking=0
This will stop the staking so you can stabilize the wallet and coins. The hyper staking problem hasnot yet been repaired in the source code.
Step 2:
Create 2 or more copies of your wallet.dat file and move them to a safe place. This is a safety precaution in case something goes wrong and you need to repeat the procedure.
Step 3:
In wallet at top click on "Help" then click on "Debug Window" then click on "Console" tab. In the console command line enter:
walletpassphrase yourpasswordgoeshere 600
and then hit enter.
Step 4:
While you are still using the console command line type in: dumpprivkey publicaddressgoeshere
Bear in mind if you have more than one public address you will have to repeat this step for each and every public key that you have in that wallet.
Step 5:
Step 4 gives you the private key in the console. You must copy that and move it to a notepad. Repeat this for each and every public key and create a copy and paste of each and every private key from doing step 4.
Step 6:
Close this wallet and then delete the wallet.dat file. Restart the wallet and it will have zero coins a brand new empty wallet.dat file and let it run and stay synched.
Step 7:
Go to a 2nd computer (different computer) and install Power Coin and add the same line to the powercoin.conf file that was added in step 1: staking=0
Now launch the wallet and let it begin syncing.
Step 8:
BEFORE the wallet synchronizes completely at top of wallet click on "Help" then click on "Debug Window" then click on "Console" tab. In the console command line enter: importprivkey yourprivatekeygoeshere Bear in mind that you will have to repeat this command and import each and every private key that you
were able to obtain in step 4-5.
Step 9:
AFTER you have imported these keys and BEFORE the wallet synchs go and get a receiving address from the 1st computer. Now go to the 2nd computer and enter that receiving address from the first computer and send 99000000 coins. Repeat this process enough times that you reduce your balance below 90 billion. In
other words look and see how much your balance is and if it is 91 billion then send a little more than 1 billion coins.
Step 10:
These sent transactions will show as a Conflict in the transaction register but that is good news and don't worry because we have to burn off some of these coins and get the balance down a bit. Now close the wallet. Open up the .conf file again and now add -zapwallettxes=1 and save it and reload the wallet.
Step 11:
Wait until the wallet completely synchronizes and now you will see your balance is not negative. At this time I would recommend you subdivide the wallet into 2 or more wallets. Just create receiving addresses in 2 or more wallets and send coins until you reduce the balances down to a more reasonable level. If you decide to start staking again you will have to edit the .conf file and make staking=1 or if you like you can just delete that line because staking=1 is actually the default setting.
Step 12:
Learn and proceed with caution. If you choose to stake the coin keep in mind that if you allow the balance to go to high it will again become negative and you will have to repeat all of this labor.
One last thing. This coin is not dead yet and don't be so fast to write it off