Thanks for the update. On the cluster I would want Raster to be the one to update what is going on with his cluster mine.
I would not be surprised to hear of a pool issue the coin has been smashed with an enormous increase in hash rates as more and more miners come after the coin. Yesterday I was looking at our network page ( and noticed we now have a global mining effort with only Africa not participating. Also on the stats page ( I noticed we have recently had total network hash rates well above 200KH/s which to me is really impressive for a fairly new cpu coin.
At the moment the big hashrate is only from 2 miners. Both of them put round about 70.000h/s on the coin. So more than half of complete hashrate (and coins) go to this 2 guys. I stopped mining at the moment because the quantity of coins I get is very low when hashrate is so high. This is one reason why I don't like nicehash.
I have no problem when hashrate is high and coins go to many people. But when the most coins only go to 2 people it is very bad in my opinion.
I have had around 0.5-1% of the hash on the optiminer pool over the last 24 hours or so and still getting from 0.5-1.8 coins a block. 720 blocks in a day. Its still a good ROI once you term the coins for 12 months.
Yes you dont get as many coins as the guys using nice hash. But there is nothing stoping anyone using nice hash.
That is the good thing about this coin. Even if you dont have 50KH you can still make coins and term them in order to get more.
The nice hash users will always be there unless pools change there authentication so nice hash can not connect.
But nice hash can be good for coins. It can push the value of a coin up as it makes the coin harder to mine.
Even at the rate I am getting coins vs the cost of power or the cost of the coins on the exchange its still cheeper for me to mine the coins than it is to buy them.
If you stop mining it mean more easy coin for them.
This is very true. If you leave hash on the pool you will keep getting a nice stream of coins. Coins you stop them getting.
Regardless of if anyone likes nice hash it serves a coin well when a coin is like this.
Over both exchanges there is still less than 150,000 coins being sold. This is very very low for a new coin. Most new coins end up with millions of coins dumped in the 1st few months. This coin has its miners holding the coins in term deposets.
I put it to you to use the 12 month term and enjoy the good intrest on the coin. In time the intrest on term will drop and if the network hash is 5 times this amount its going to be hard to get any coins and you would be wishing you had made use of the 600% APR.