All but one of my chunks are greater than 1 seed. If I only stake with the less than 1 amount by setting the reserve amount to the whole number, what does that do to my chunks if my fraction were to stake? I'm more curious than anything, and depending on when the wallet update comes out, this may be a moot point.
Yes, you DO have to keep on top of this one. Fortunately, nothing staked while I was sleeping
so did you end up locking your wallet? I think it's wise to state not too follow this thread to closely as well... I was watching all this unfold very closely and I ended up downloading the latest wallet last night on another computer and sending all my little chunks as one big transaction to my 2nd wallet (after recommendation from some users) and well now I'm being told that anything over 1 seed isn't staking... so now I'm again at a stand still waiting to find out what to do.. I could have just kept them all on my first wallet, in little chunks.. and not lost the pos for the first day.. what a world lol
Right now I have it staking but with the fraction left over after I entered the whole number as my reserved balance. So only 0.8 or so is able to stake.
Yesterday evening, most of my chunks staked right on schedule, like seconds after they matured, and they did it at 269 percent (or actually a close estimate). So I was figuring things were humming along just great. I had two more chunks due to stake at midnight. When I got up the next morning I saw that they hadn't staked at all but were still trying. Then I read the thread and followed Cryptzo's instructions, and that's where I'm at right now. I just got lucky. I could have had my last two chunks also stake sometime this morning at a much lower rate.
I had consolidated a number of my small chunks while I was still mining. I figured I'd end up with a lump sum from the pool, but I had some technical difficulties with my miners and got out of mining earlier than I'd planned. So then I was pretty well set up for the growth period, but because I'd staked fairly late during the 1 percent period, it wasn't for a good 12 hours or more that anything staked for me during the growth phase, and it was in those initial hours that we had to quickly upgrade to version 1.0.4, so I kind of skated past all those problems as well. All my experience having to delete and replace wallets during the early days of NXT benefited me here, as with just a few instructions I was able to get new wallets online, synced and working fairly quickly.
So... for those who aren't doing quite as well here, keep in mind that the experience may prove to be an invaluable benefit when the next opportunity comes up for you. Keep your chin up, roll with it, and learn as much as you can.