Should be, cryptzo said it's only for chunks of coins more than 1 coin. so a full 1+ coins staking at once.
I had realized that I had left a wallet open and staking at work, so drove in to work just to see it was forked off on a different chain since it was an old wallet.
This coin is taking a lot of effort to keep on top of, but those that do, can maximize their potential and increase their own % share.
Also, as the first 24 hours is ending, we have a better idea of what the final coin count will be. Currently 2526, so maybe 2550 after 24 hours.
If the time line stays, and we still have 6 more days of 269%, that leaves a total possible # as 2550*3.69^6 =~ 6,500,000.
But there's also like 50 coins on bittex and still some in the mining pools, so that number may be less (or more if we're delayed with finding blocks and we end up getting more than 6 more days of 269% POS)
Look at your coin control to see the size and timestamp of each chunk of coins. If there is a chunk of 1 coinc or greater going to stake soon, then lock your wallet now.
Then you can decide to try and use the reserve amount method or just wait until the fix.
If you only have stacks of coins less than 1, you can continue to stake.