Xshf = BigPow(10, 42)
Zshf = BigPow(10, 21)
Eshf = BigPow(10, 18)
Pshf = BigPow(10, 15)
Tshf = BigPow(10, 12)
Gshf = BigPow(10, 9)
Mshf = BigPow(10, 6)
Kshf = BigPow(10, 3)
Shf = big.NewInt(1)
where 42, 21 is the number of zeros.
Thank you, but i still dont get it....
How do you woork with this number?
correct me if i wrong
if its 59, why do we have decimal shf?
That's 59.15625 SHF. You can easily find the number with Google or a calculator.. just divide by 10e17 or 10^18. In this case: 59156250000000000000 / 10e17 = 59.15625