What are peoples thoughts on the new Silkcoin and DarkSilk logos?
Thank you for the response to my earlier questions regarding clarification although I'm still not sure if I will be able to swap Silk 2.0 for drkSilk.
In reference to the logos:
Although they look cool, I would be concerned that they look a bit more like the currency a sinister character in a Marvel comic might use.
IMHO, the long term goal should be to mainstream the coin and to do so requires attracting serious investors.
I am not a graphic artist so I'm not dissing on the designs, I'm just not sure they are professional enough to attract the aforementioned.
I actually agree that they are definitely not the finished product. Not bad for 6 hours from wireframe.
I will talk with the graphic designer further.
I have to say my order or favouritism is Weaver, Silkcoin and then DarkSilk.