As a bonus I also wrote a simple address generator. It's not user-friendly, it's just for you, early adopters
It's a simple console exe that generates random addresses and stores them in a CSV file.
It doesn't look for user-defined words because it's much faster to check a word against millions of pre-generated addresses than to generate those addresses again. What if the next day you need another address with a different word? You just try to find it in your database of addresses, instead of generating them all over again. This also helps if you just want to pick a better looking random address.
Don't go crazy with it, if some issue comes up - I will not hesitate to change how keys are generated.
The program will append new addresses and passphrases to "out.csv" file it creates on the first run. Make sure nobody else can read it.
If you use it, I would appreciate if you post here how many addresses per second you got and what kind of CPU your machine has. My, rather old, 2 GHz PC generates them at the rate of about 1400 keys per second. This means I can find a 6-character word in 4-8 days. The code is not particularly optimized, so the speed can be significantly improved later.
If your CPU has multiple cores, you can run several copies of the program, just make sure you run it from different folders. And leave one core free for the rest of the system.
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