You can see the coding progress for the diff adjustment here: Don't ask me what any of it means, I'm not a programmer, I just thought it was a fun resource to look at.
Also, the Board reached out to Sunuser this week to see if he was still interested in helping out but he declined.
It's too bad too, I was going to throw §5000 his way as thanks for the help! Not to mention what bounties may come along in the future from the Foundation for any work being done. But apparently Sunuser has moved on and is now a dev for a different coin, I don't know which one but I wish him all the best. We all have our own projects and work to attend to, so to each their own.
I just thought I would update the community so that you know we
are making efforts to bring others in to help with things. While we all want everything to be done yesterday, these things DO take time to ensure things are done correctly. It's of paramount importance that there are no negative impacts to current users as a result of the change. Unfortunately we are light on volunteers with coding skills and those who might be willing to help generally start out by asking how much we're gonna pay them and are unwilling to provide any confirmation on their identity, even when it is strictly held privately by the Board. I understand the aversion to that, anonymity is a cozy and comfortable place to be and means that you never have to take responsibility for your actions, even if those actions are good. But as a board member and believer in the future of SolarCoin, I am absolutely OK with putting my real name out there. I'm willing to take that risk because I want this coin to succeed and I don't think it's unreasonable to ask people to identify themselves when it comes to certain things. If they choose not to share that information, that is their choice, no harm no foul.
As for testing, volunteers are being brought in to help with hash power. Doug and Justin are coordinating that effort so if you are interested, please post or contact them in the SLR forums or fill out a Volunteer form at and mention this specifically.
I'll do my best to help keep this forum updated with how things are going!