$eGAS team wish you Happy New Year, prosperity and endless opportunities!
We have been working hard over our $eGAS SAaS platform and already have few potential candidates for the first SAaS distributions.
We will announce new partnerships after holidays!
SMARTONE will be special for the community as it will represent our old friend business related to crypto.
All details after holidays.
Have a good and nice holidays!
Yeah, Happy New Year to you guys too... quick question: What in God's name is going on with your White Paper??? Did you seriously post this thing? It has "DRAFT" on it, and most of the content is not filled in. Jesus H. Christ! If you submitted this as a Middle School class paper, you'd receive a massive "F" as a letter grade. If I'm missing something please let me know. I'll eat my own ****.
http://www.ethgas.stream/eGASwhitepaper.pdfI clicked on this and cancelled my buy order on EtherDelta after I saw it. Totally willing to take a chance on a project... but c'mon. You're asking people not to invest with that level of slacking off. Like, who on the team looked at that and decided, "Yeah, this looks good enough. Just post this."
I understand your first reaction.
It is funny how people can look at it differently ...
I see it very differently as you.
This is not a pep talk, but just how I think about it ...
These are a few programmers with a good idea.
They want to put their product (SAaS) on the market, and they work on that.
In the meantime they have done tests with eGAS.
There were errors in the first instance and they solved that correctly.
They have honestly said that the course of eGAS is not their priority, but their product does.
That product will increase the price of eGAS.
They also do not give priority to their whitepaper and the website.
The basic idea is clear, the product must be ready, the rest will come.
The fact that you have the guts to put a draft version of your whitepaper online gives me confidence.
And in addition, this team never asked for money, there was no ICO sale.
Furthermore, they have fulfilled all their agreements so far.
And let's face it ... There are wonderful projects with the most beautiful websites and dazzling whitepapers that sell ICOs and then steal your money.
The simple approach of this team, the honesty and the clarity give me confidence.
Again, this is not a pep talk, but I absolutely believe that we will soon be on the old top of $ 0.03, because the team will put a useful product on the market.
I am not fooled by beautiful whitepapers and nice talk.
There are no nice talks here, only good plans that are really worked out.
A simple and honest approach.
I keep believing in it.