Could we generate a random adress using something like a python scrypt and then send a transaction without the need of dowloading the software wallet?
How would the blockchain know about the address you create?
Well, if i take bitcoin as an example, its quite easy. If you access their API you can see there all that is needed. The question is whether this kind of information will be available for SOCC. So, to broadcast a transaction in the case of bitcoin, all i need is to use the wallets information and send to a node.
For example if i use python:
# Alice -> Bob (5BTC) -> Charlie
import struct
import base58
import hashlib
import ecdsa
Bob_addr = "1NWzVg38ggPoVGAG2VWt6ktdWMaV6S1pJK"
bob_hashed_pubkey = base58.b58decode_check(Bob_addr)[1:].encode("hex")
Bob_private_key = "CF933A6C602069F1CBC85990DF087714D7E86DF0D0E48398B7D8953E1F03534A"
prv_txid = "84d813beb51c3a12cb5d0bb18c6c15062453d476de24cb2f943ca6e20115d85c"
Charlie_adr = "17X4s8JdSdLxFyraNUDBzgmnSNeZpjm42g"
charlie_hashed_pubkey = base58.b58decode_check(Charlie_adr)[1:].encode("hex")
# Bob sends 0.001 BTC to Charlie and he sends 0.0005 BTC back to himself (change) and the remainder of 0.0005 BTC will be given to the miner as a fee
# 1. raw tx
# 2. raw tx and sign that tx using my private key (this is the only way to prove that I'm Bob)
# 3. raw tx and signature in order to create the real tx
class raw_tx:
version = struct.pack("
tx_in_count = struct.pack("
tx_in = {} #TEMP
tx_out_count = struct.pack("
tx_out1 = {} #TEMP
tx_out2 = {} #TEMP
lock_time = struct.pack("
def flip_byte_order(string):
flipped = "".join(reversed([string[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(string), 2)]))
return flipped
rtx = raw_tx()
rtx.tx_in["txouthash"] = flip_byte_order(prv_txid).decode("hex")
rtx.tx_in["tx_out_index"] = struct.pack("
rtx.tx_in["script"] = ("76a914%s88ac" % bob_hashed_pubkey).decode("hex")
rtx.tx_in["scrip_bytes"] = struct.pack("
rtx.tx_in["sequence"] = "ffffffff".decode("hex")
rtx.tx_out1["value"] = struct.pack("
rtx.tx_out1["pk_script"] = ("76a914%s88ac" % charlie_hashed_pubkey).decode("hex")
rtx.tx_out1["pk_script_bytes"] = struct.pack("
rtx.tx_out2["value"] = struct.pack("
rtx.tx_out2["pk_script"] = ("76a914%s88ac" % bob_hashed_pubkey).decode("hex")
rtx.tx_out2["pk_script_bytes"] = struct.pack("
raw_tx_string = (
+ rtx.tx_in_count
+ rtx.tx_in["txouthash"]
+ rtx.tx_in["tx_out_index"]
+ rtx.tx_in["scrip_bytes"]
+ rtx.tx_in["script"]
+ rtx.tx_in["sequence"]
+ rtx.tx_out_count
+ rtx.tx_out1["value"]
+ rtx.tx_out1["pk_script_bytes"]
+ rtx.tx_out1["pk_script"]
+ rtx.tx_out2["value"]
+ rtx.tx_out2["pk_script_bytes"]
+ rtx.tx_out2["pk_script"]
+ rtx.lock_time
+ struct.pack("
hashed_tx_to_sign = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(raw_tx_string).digest()).digest()
sk = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(Bob_private_key.decode("hex"), curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1)
vk = sk.verifying_key
public_key = ('\04' + vk.to_string()).encode("hex")
signature = sk.sign_digest(hashed_tx_to_sign, sigencode = ecdsa.util.sigencode_der_canonize)
sigscript = (
+ "\01"
+ struct.pack("
+ public_key.decode("hex")
real_tx = (
+ rtx.tx_in_count
+ rtx.tx_in["txouthash"]
+ rtx.tx_in["tx_out_index"]
+ struct.pack("
+ struct.pack("
+ sigscript
+ rtx.tx_in["sequence"]
+ rtx.tx_out_count
+ rtx.tx_out1["value"]
+ rtx.tx_out1["pk_script_bytes"]
+ rtx.tx_out1["pk_script"]
+ rtx.tx_out2["value"]
+ rtx.tx_out2["pk_script_bytes"]
+ rtx.tx_out2["pk_script"]
+ rtx.lock_time
print real_tx.encode("hex")