los Devs se fueron tiempo completo al area en ingles..
Como para no... Hacía tiempo que no entraba a leer el thread en español. Madre mía, que asco. Vergüenza ajena de país en el que me ha tocado nacer. Hay gente que se cortaría un dedo sólo para verselo cortado al de enfrente. Envidia, mala baba, troleo quinceañero y cero constructividad.
Lo dicho,
Me vuelvo al hilo inglés, y a los privados, que es donde se refugia la gente normal de la invasión de hoygans que nos asola.
Spaincoin without a Spanish website is the perfect example.
Euh. Devs mantain a thread here, a website and a blog. Bilingual. Yes, they use english to appeal to the world. One of the cryptocurrencies goals is to break boundaries.
Your efforts specifically are the opposite. You aim for control, few individuals dictating "whats correct" or "morally acceptable".
Theres a word for that. Nothing new under the sun, tho. I watched this since 1997. Fascist IRC channel ops, Forum moderators, Board Inquisitors, even Programming Language theorists. Haters of Windows, Mac, Android, Sony, you name it. People talking and spamming until your ears bleed about why u suck if you use this program, this code, this app, this gadget. Preachers of specific trends, worshippers of fads that 2 years later dissapear from forums to re-appear with another nick in the new early adopter stuff.
All teaching us wheres the real TRUTH and why we are sinners if we do, watch, see or touch the devil.
Get a life. Or have a dog. Your self-steem will rise a lot.
EDIT.- Oh, and the Anonymous logo. Don't make me even start. They are exactly the opposite to what youre trying to do here. They are about freedom. Wise up.
ei això a fa molta pudor.. 50 % minat?? i en quins wallets estan aquests coins?? per a repartir entree tots els catalans? però com? auroracoin és molt més transparent en com pretén distribuïr les monedes..
això és una còpia de l'hispacoin.. una mala còpia..
aquesta moneda està morta abans d'arrancar! SCAAAAAAAAAM!!
a l'expectativa de noves propostes de monedes per l'àmbit dels païssos catalans!!!
Have you bothered to read the thread? Your questions and accusations were already answered.
How to spot a standard spaniard(Catalonians or else) : Speaks in his own language, ignoring the other 50,000 users of this forum, and flames a product made by and for his own people.
We dont have a cure. Apparently.
Oh btw, i filled the form ^_^ Thx in advance. Smooth release so far, at least today hehe.
Me voy a dar por aludido como moderador del subforo Altcoins.
Juraría que a lo largo y ancho del guiri te pasa tres cuartos de lo mismo... pero bueno, gracias por critica,
por mi parte seguiré en mi empeño de que, a pesar de que cada vez somos mas y mas diferentes, seamos mejores.
Mucha gracias de nuevo.