It makes sense that Teslacoin should embrace all of his work, especially when most of his work had nothing to do with free energy. His primary "free energy" technology was not spelled out in patents, etc... but instead were when he was deposed for testimony in court where he spoke of much of his work in layman's terms. The Leland books document these court hearings. Tesla described a type of wave form from AC that could be run from small horsepower and would create massive amounts of horsepower. To date, only one man in the world has replicated what that actually means and he is a close associate of mine. His work in this area is most profound! Most engineers look at AC as two halves, but Tesla interacted with it in quarters for this particular application.
On the first rising quarter, the AC generator is powering a resistive load then goes to a capacitor. On the 2nd quadrant the voltage is falling and this is exactly when the capacitor is discharge back through the load and the voltage is stepped up to turn the generator windings into a motor thereby canceling the drag force. On the 3rd quadrant, generator powers load then fills cap and 4th quadrant cap discharges through load then back into generator windings stepped up turning it into a motor. That means the generator is generating and is dragging the prime mover 50% of the time and the other 50% of the time the generator is motoring, which unloads the prime mover.
That means if 100 watts (over time) of resistive loads are being powered and 99 watts (over time) gets fed back, then the NET draw of the generator is 1 watt (over time). This does NOT mean 1 watt lit 100 watts of bulbs, it means 100 watts lit the bulbs in one direction and with 99 watts in the return direction so the net loss is only 1 watt. On a gas generator, that means you can light these bulbs and the motor is still idling. I make the distinction of watts over time because watts by itself is not energy, it is a power rating and that power delivered for x amount of time is actual energy or real work done. A solid state version of this was demonstrated at my conference a couple years ago - about 1.5 watts net draw fully lit 50 watts of incandescent bulbs.
Tesla did discuss his ambient air heat engine as being one of his most amazing discoveries but I haven't seen it replicated to my satisfaction.
Other than that, most of Tesla's most misunderstood "energy" work was on dielectric longitudinal transmission - or extraluminal transmission. That doesn't mean faster than the speed of light, it means instantaneous propagation meaning that velocity is not even a part of the equation. Extraluminal is not the same as superluminal. Another close associate who I'm the exclusive publisher for is the one who fully replicated this as well as making it completely engineerable with nothing more than 9th grade algebra. There are a couple of other associates who have replicated his work based on these engineering principles and an AM ground transmitted signal was received BEFORE the above ground transverse electromagnetic signal showing that the longitudinal transmission does NOT get weaker by the square of the distance. That means it is stronger and instantaneous - the above ground electromagnetic wave is limited to light speed and the ground transmission beat it.
Some of Tesla's most mysterious work was what he alluded to as being his Dynamic Theory of Gravity, which was never published and anything on it from his notes appear to have been confiscated by the FBI and probably wound up in the Navy's hands when Tesla died.
Anyone interested in some free presentations teaching the actual science of Tesla's transmission methods? I have one in mind if anyone wants to really get into the accurate information on what Tesla was doing. 99% of the information online about Tesla is complete nonsense. What I can share will save potentially years of going down the wrong road.
This is just a small handful of Tesla topics that Teslacoin should be supporting in my opinion.
we need accurate information.
That's the one of the contributions of Teslacoin to the world.
We gonna be the crowfunding platform for those project, and therefore the place where all the improvements and knowledge is share between peers.
Please send me all the info you want to share and I'll make a place for it in the website and OP.
People interested in the field will love to know about this.
We're in process of incorporating a top webdeveloper to the team to start creating the forum and the crowfunding platform.
We're moving forward!
Was the Teslacoin forum brought back with the official site? I was on it a while back and since then I have some new things about Tesla research and free energy to share.
I was the one on the forum whose opinion was that Teslacoin should embrace all of Nikola Tesla's work and not just free energy. Now that HamRadioCoin is functionally extinct and since Nikola Tesla invented radio I think that makes my opinion of embracing all of Tesla's work stronger.
Forum will be back and yes, we're open to all of Tesla's work
Thanks Tara!
That worked - I can see my coins and all 4 addresses.
I was the first one to ever receive Tesla Coin for products/services when it came out and am considering accepting it again.
Does the Tesla Coin QT wallet have to download the whole blockchain. If so, how many gb is that? I'd rather it not be on my C drive if too big.
Any way to have it all stay on a secondary usb drive?
How can we make the wallet sync?
Thanks again.
Blockchain is only 1.1 GB. It won't be huge problem if you have big enough hard drive. If you want to you can store your wallet.dat and blocks on external drive too. Most important thing is always back up your wallet.dat and add passphrase to it. Usually I'm only saving wallet.dat and download bootstrap when I need make transactions.
Never trust exchanges. After cryptsy I always store my coins on PC or external drive.
That's a great advise.
Thanks for helping us ctenc001!
Please participate in the campaing and earn 1k TES!
help dep why my wallet not sync?
Download the bootstrap. You will be almost sync
CryptoUnited TES Bootstrap4/21/2017
Here you have the tutorial
How to sync your Tesla wallet faster
If you just arrived to TeslaCoin and you want to get involved, you will have to download a wallet and start to sync with the network.
This means you have to download the blockchain from your peers (the network).
Has you can expect this will take some time and it can vary from hours to days.
So, in order to do it faster, you will download the bootstrap
What is the bootstrap?
The bootstrap is the blockchain zipped to be downloaded directly, not from your peers.
This will help you sync in less time, from minutes to hours.
Just follow the instructions and enjoy your Tesla Wallet!
1) Download the wallet
2) Download the bootstrap
3) Uncompress the bootstrap folder
4) Run the Tesla wallet and then close it.
5) Go to Roaming folder > Teslacoin folder
6) Replace the archives in the Teslacoin folder with the ones downloaded in the bootstrap.
Replace only the repeated archives.