
Topic: [ANN][The Original Multipool - Scrypt/SHA256/Scrypt-N/X11] - page 8. (Read 424329 times)

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000

What do i alter in my config file to mine Scrypt-N  profit switching ?

I put the URL in and have kept ALL settings for my 5 GPU's as normal for mullticript mining.

Just checked and i am mining LTC at 200k when i was mining standard scryot at 3Kh ??

What am i missing guys ?


Scrypt-N requires more than just altering a config file.  You need to download vertminer or an sph-sgminer version that supports the Scrypt-N algorithm.

Assuming you have done that you can mine Scrypt-N by setting your algorithm to Scrypt-N and connecting to port 12222.
sr. member
Activity: 325
Merit: 250

What do i alter in my config file to mine Scrypt-N  profit switching ?

I put the URL in and have kept ALL settings for my 5 GPU's as normal for mullticript mining.

Just checked and i am mining LTC at 200k when i was mining standard scryot at 3Kh ??

What am i missing guys ?

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
What is going on with this pool? seems that the server is not respoding for a long time and that is more down than up lately...

All good here - am merrily hashing away on a number of coins.

Our US East provider had network issues for over 24 hours starting on July 3.  Everything has been fine since around the early morning on the 5th.
Activity: 3696
Merit: 2219
What is going on with this pool? seems that the server is not respoding for a long time and that is more down than up lately...

All good here - am merrily hashing away on a number of coins.
sr. member
Activity: 345
Merit: 250
What is going on with this pool? seems that the server is not respoding for a long time and that is more down than up lately...
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1007
Hey flound

mazacoin fork is imminent in a few days... where you informed?

Yes I believe I updated at least a week ago but I will double check.

Oh! I am sorry, but thanks again.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Hey flound

mazacoin fork is imminent in a few days... where you informed?

Yes I believe I updated at least a week ago but I will double check.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1007
Hey flound

mazacoin fork is imminent in a few days... where you informed?
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
is it worth to invest $8000 into 85 Mh/s scrypt miner machine?
what you think Smiley

and please no troll or ad comments, thank you!
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
My past day has certainly not been well with the multipool.

I decided to try leasing some big SHA256 rigs for a day to try out leasing. Everything was going well and I thought I was actually going to make a little money since bitminter found a a block when I was at ~0.11 BTC as my estimated payout.

But that payout didn't come anywhere near soon enough. I eventually received 0.03 BTC but that was so little that instead of making profit I lost around 0.08 BTC. I wanted to reach out to someone on IRC about this but I couldn't get a hold of anyone.

I moved my remaining SHA256 miners to ghash because of this but I would like to keep them with the multipool as I have been with the pool since late last year.

Sorry you had a bad experience.  Bitminter has had terrible luck over the past few days.  We are off Bitminter for now and I have plans to diversify the hashrate amongst several of the larger pools and move to some kind of PPLNS-based scoring for Bitcoin.

Didn't you earn any altcoins as well?  We were on altcoins for almost 1/3 of the day.

I was mining straight BTC as the disconnects were not too kind towards my rental rigs.

My own setup however doesn't have any issues really, just can't control how the rentals act unfortunately.

Makes sense..  I hope if you mine here again you have better results.  Unfortunately the past couple days have not been good for BTC mining at Multipool.
jr. member
Activity: 51
Merit: 1
My past day has certainly not been well with the multipool.

I decided to try leasing some big SHA256 rigs for a day to try out leasing. Everything was going well and I thought I was actually going to make a little money since bitminter found a a block when I was at ~0.11 BTC as my estimated payout.

But that payout didn't come anywhere near soon enough. I eventually received 0.03 BTC but that was so little that instead of making profit I lost around 0.08 BTC. I wanted to reach out to someone on IRC about this but I couldn't get a hold of anyone.

I moved my remaining SHA256 miners to ghash because of this but I would like to keep them with the multipool as I have been with the pool since late last year.

Sorry you had a bad experience.  Bitminter has had terrible luck over the past few days.  We are off Bitminter for now and I have plans to diversify the hashrate amongst several of the larger pools and move to some kind of PPLNS-based scoring for Bitcoin.

Didn't you earn any altcoins as well?  We were on altcoins for almost 1/3 of the day.

I was mining straight BTC as the disconnects were not too kind towards my rental rigs.

My own setup however doesn't have any issues really, just can't control how the rentals act unfortunately.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
What share difficulty should I set for ~3(MH/s) on X11.  Also if I set Cryptsy integration to full auto how do you set it to auto trade to BTC and auto payout.

128 or 256 should be fine.

You need to configure the autosell on the cryptsy side.  This video was from before the Cryptsy integration was added but it explains it well:
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
My past day has certainly not been well with the multipool.

I decided to try leasing some big SHA256 rigs for a day to try out leasing. Everything was going well and I thought I was actually going to make a little money since bitminter found a a block when I was at ~0.11 BTC as my estimated payout.

But that payout didn't come anywhere near soon enough. I eventually received 0.03 BTC but that was so little that instead of making profit I lost around 0.08 BTC. I wanted to reach out to someone on IRC about this but I couldn't get a hold of anyone.

I moved my remaining SHA256 miners to ghash because of this but I would like to keep them with the multipool as I have been with the pool since late last year.

Sorry you had a bad experience.  Bitminter has had terrible luck over the past few days.  We are off Bitminter for now and I have plans to diversify the hashrate amongst several of the larger pools and move to some kind of PPLNS-based scoring for Bitcoin.

Didn't you earn any altcoins as well?  We were on altcoins for almost 1/3 of the day.
jr. member
Activity: 51
Merit: 1
My past day has certainly not been well with the multipool.

I decided to try leasing some big SHA256 rigs for a day to try out leasing. Everything was going well and I thought I was actually going to make a little money since bitminter found a a block when I was at ~0.11 BTC as my estimated payout.

But that payout didn't come anywhere near soon enough. I eventually received 0.03 BTC but that was so little that instead of making profit I lost around 0.08 BTC. I wanted to reach out to someone on IRC about this but I couldn't get a hold of anyone.

I moved my remaining SHA256 miners to ghash because of this but I would like to keep them with the multipool as I have been with the pool since late last year.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1003
What share difficulty should I set for ~3(MH/s) on X11.  Also if I set Cryptsy integration to full auto how do you set it to auto trade to BTC and auto payout.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
I currently have four types of ASICs in my mining rig: Bitfury, BFL, Antminer, and Gridseed.  The Antminers are self-contained, while the others all run off of the Raspberry Pi in the Bitfury rig.

bfgminer seems to work well enough with my Gridseeds for scrypt mining on Multipool, but it seems to have problems on the SHA-256 side when the pool switches coins.  It gets stuck, and never appears to get unstuck.  The Antminers shipped with cgminer, which doesn't appear to have this problem. 

Supposedly cgminer was never going to be updated to work with BitfuryStrikesBack rigs because they were limited to running on the Raspberry Pi, connected through its GPIO port.  At some point, though, support was added for the Bitfury-based hardware from Black Arrow, which is AFAICT functionally identical to BFSB hardware (they both support four groups of hashing boards per RPi, with the chips in each group chained together over SPI).  I built the latest cgminer yesterday, tweaked the config file a little (took stuff out, mostly), and fired it up. It's working much better now with Multipool.  It's been running since sometime yesterday evening, switching between coins (network difficulty keeps switching from ~11 billion for Bitcoin to somewhere in the low hundreds of thousands for the SHA-256 altcoins) without an issue.  As a bonus, it's also tweaking speeds on the Bitfury ASICs to squeeze more speed out of them while keeping errors low.  If a chip got pushed too far with bfgminer, it would start spewing nonstop errors until it was restarted.

With all of that said, is there some reason why the SHA-256 side of Multipool runs better with cgminer than with bfgminer?  Given that the scrypt side of Multipool works fine with bfgminer (good thing it does, as you can't mine scrypt at all with recent versions of cgminer), this seems a little odd.

The SHA-256 pool is  the only pool that still disconnects when switching coins, this is necessary due to the BTC hash being proxied to another pool.  That is likely the source of your issues.  That said I also run bfgminer with my SHA gear and I've never had any major issues with it.
hero member
Activity: 651
Merit: 501
My PGP Key: 92C7689C
I currently have four types of ASICs in my mining rig: Bitfury, BFL, Antminer, and Gridseed.  The Antminers are self-contained, while the others all run off of the Raspberry Pi in the Bitfury rig.

bfgminer seems to work well enough with my Gridseeds for scrypt mining on Multipool, but it seems to have problems on the SHA-256 side when the pool switches coins.  It gets stuck, and never appears to get unstuck.  The Antminers shipped with cgminer, which doesn't appear to have this problem. 

Supposedly cgminer was never going to be updated to work with BitfuryStrikesBack rigs because they were limited to running on the Raspberry Pi, connected through its GPIO port.  At some point, though, support was added for the Bitfury-based hardware from Black Arrow, which is AFAICT functionally identical to BFSB hardware (they both support four groups of hashing boards per RPi, with the chips in each group chained together over SPI).  I built the latest cgminer yesterday, tweaked the config file a little (took stuff out, mostly), and fired it up. It's working much better now with Multipool.  It's been running since sometime yesterday evening, switching between coins (network difficulty keeps switching from ~11 billion for Bitcoin to somewhere in the low hundreds of thousands for the SHA-256 altcoins) without an issue.  As a bonus, it's also tweaking speeds on the Bitfury ASICs to squeeze more speed out of them while keeping errors low.  If a chip got pushed too far with bfgminer, it would start spewing nonstop errors until it was restarted.

With all of that said, is there some reason why the SHA-256 side of Multipool runs better with cgminer than with bfgminer?  Given that the scrypt side of Multipool works fine with bfgminer (good thing it does, as you can't mine scrypt at all with recent versions of cgminer), this seems a little odd.

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000

You can do that, unless you want to mine more profitable coins automatically...

Well that's the thing.... I would rather NOT mine all the "more profitable" coins automatically.

Most of the time I don't agree that they are "more profitable".

For example: Just because coinwarz deems that Mazacoin is more profitable for 5 minutes, I would rather keep on mining BTC.

So as a request, would it be possible in the future to have some coins disabled in my multipool account?

So I can say in the settings: Yes, please mine Zetacoin and Myriad, but all other coins I don't want to participate and would rather continue with my first priority coin.

Or is this already possible, and I just haven't yet found the feature... hm, nope, I don't think so...

This is not really possible with the current architecture.  I suggest you auto withdraw and auto-sell the coins you don't want to hold.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1007

You can do that, unless you want to mine more profitable coins automatically...

Well that's the thing.... I would rather NOT mine all the "more profitable" coins automatically.

Most of the time I don't agree that they are "more profitable".

For example: Just because coinwarz deems that Mazacoin is more profitable for 5 minutes, I would rather keep on mining BTC.

So as a request, would it be possible in the future to have some coins disabled in my multipool account?

So I can say in the settings: Yes, please mine Zetacoin and Myriad, but all other coins I don't want to participate and would rather continue with my first priority coin.

Or is this already possible, and I just haven't yet found the feature... hm, nope, I don't think so...
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
I can't seem to find the X11/X13 parts of this site.  Is there an X11/X13 port set up yet?

The x11 port is 11111.  There is currently no x13 port.
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