
Topic: [ANN][The Original Multipool - Scrypt/SHA256/Scrypt-N/X11] - page 7. (Read 424329 times)

Activity: 3500
Merit: 6320
Crypto Swap Exchange
OK, I skimmed most of this thread, did not read every post.

So, feel free to point out where this might have been discussed before.

Is there a way to have both auto payouts at a set amount and daily payouts to clear out the coins that just sit and sit and sit.

As an example I have had 8.9 CAP sitting in the account for a while now (weeks?) some very tiny amounts of RZR and a few others.
Yes, I can let it sit for a while or I can go in and set once a day and forget it, but it would be nice if it could do both.

Kind of like if the coin has been mined in the last 72 hours then obey the autopay amounts, if no activity in 96 hours if the daily pay is checked then pay it out.

Yes, I know I can do in and do it by hand. I was just hoping for a bit more automated method.

hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Wow what a horrible day at multipool

Terrible luck yesterday, with a 19% litecoin block taking almost 20 hours to find and only 4 LTC blocks total.  19% means about 5x the average number of shares (i.e. 5 blocks worth of shares) were submitted for that block.  Long blocks like that hurt when we spend a lot of time on LTC.

But we did make up for it today, finding 10 LTC blocks, our best day for LTC in recent history Smiley
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Hi - Is there any way I can see if I've found blocks in your pools?

Why I ask CGMiner says I've found four blocks in pool 3332 in the last month - three in the last week, which I think is a little far fetched for my 6 GH setup.

Would they be Orphans? (mighty huge orphans).  I have a screen shot saying they were found (not when, just that they were found).


*edit* (27th Aug) It's now said I found a further 30+ blocks, this can't be right ... can it?

No, not on port 3332.  If you had found 30 Bitcoin blocks you need to buy a lottery ticket stat Smiley

If you were on port 8888 or 9999, it's completely possible you could have found lots of TRC blocks or another relatively low difficulty coin, but not on 3332.
full member
Activity: 134
Merit: 100
Wow what a horrible day at multipool
Activity: 3696
Merit: 2219
Hi - Is there any way I can see if I've found blocks in your pools?

Why I ask CGMiner says I've found four blocks in pool 3332 in the last month - three in the last week, which I think is a little far fetched for my 6 GH setup.

Would they be Orphans? (mighty huge orphans).  I have a screen shot saying they were found (not when, just that they were found).


*edit* (27th Aug) It's now said I found a further 30+ blocks, this can't be right ... can it?
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Is merge-mining on DOGE already implemeted? Thanks.

No, it's not available for anyone yet, it's only on testnet right now.

We're doing everything we can to have it ready by the time the new client release comes out in a few weeks.
full member
Activity: 157
Merit: 100
Is merge-mining on DOGE already implemeted? Thanks.
full member
Activity: 235
Merit: 100
Greetings from Michigan!

Is the stratum+tcp:// pool down? I haven't been able to connect and it's been a few hours now?

The pool's back up!

full member
Activity: 235
Merit: 100
Greetings from Michigan!

Is the stratum+tcp:// pool down? I haven't been able to connect and it's been a few hours now?
sr. member
Activity: 737
Merit: 262
Me, Myself & I
Some pools have not yet updated their stratum/wallets and therefore are not paying out the fee to masternodes.  Those pools need to update or their blocks will be rejected by the network when the hardfork comes with the next release.
Thx for the answer, staying with multipool for X11, I hope this unloyal competition will end up soon.
Activity: 1150
Merit: 1004
I'm interested in mining SHA256 on, but have some questions regarding Cryptsy integration. Previously I've mined Scrypt on multipools that automatically handle the exchange. I'm hoping to set up a similar kind of "set and forget" configuration because I don't have the time to manage or optimize the exchange process.

I've gone through the Cryptsy integration instructions, including using my API key to populate the wallet addresses in my multipool account. Not all the addresses got populated, but I think that all the SHA256 ones did (which is what I care about). I've also identified the SHA256 coins from the multipool stats page and enabled auto sell (second highest sell bid) for the corresponding coins in my Cryptsy account.

The question is how should I go about setting the autopay thresholds for the non-BTC SHA256 coins on the multipool side? It seems like if there is fluctuation in profitability, these values might become sub-optimal. Further, I'd be concerned that it would be possible for the pool to send to Cryptsy too often, which could be construed as an attack (according to other posts I've read).

Maybe when the Cryptsy integration level is "Full Auto", it handles the thresholds automatically, or otherwise throttles transfers to the exchange? Honestly I don't know what "Full Auto" does nor can I find information about it in the FAQ on the pool site, but I have it enabled for now.

The last question is regarding new coins. When new SHA256 coins are added (which is probably rare nowadays) I assume that any mined coins just sit in the multipool account until such time that I manually add a Cryptsy address. Does the pool notify me about this situation? It would be nice to get an email rather than have to pull the info about added coins from the news feed.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

Full auto does set the thresholds automatically, but it won't overwrite addresses or set thresholds for addresses that are already populated.  You can set up your addresses and thresholds using full integration by deleting your addresses and saving full integration again.

On the help page, it lists the minimum withdraw threshold for each coin.  These are in place to avoid overloading of exchanges.

You can also set daily pay which will send your coins once per day as long as your balance is over the threshold.

Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately I'm still a little confused.

Since I'm not quite ready to mine (the hardware hasn't arrived yet), I figured I have a little time to do a reset. So I deleted all the addresses and saved the full integration again. The resulting auto-pay thresholds seem odd. Several of the SHA256 coins went to zero for their threshold, which is less (obviously) than indicated on the help page.

Here's the list of the SHA256 coins, with the result of the reset in the second column and the help page suggestion in the third (EDIT: I missed three coins in the table):

CoinReset resultHelp page

I assume that zero is never correct for an auto pay threshold, even though that's what the saved full integration delivered for some of the coins.

So should I trust the full integration, but change any coins with a zero auto pay to the minimum in the help?

Just to be clear, I'm not interested in holding any of these non-BTC coins. I just want to efficiently get them into the exchange and sold without tripping over any problems with transfer minimums.

Thanks for your continued support.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
What is the fee for DRK on Question was raised in another thread about 20% masternode fee and multipool was not on list of "20% free" pools. 20% plus on DRK makes no point using X11 multipool.
EDIT: Inserted link to mentioned thread

The masternode fee does not go to the pool, it goes to the masternodes that do the anonymous transactions.  DRK fee is 1.5% just like our other pools

We take the masternode fee into account when calculating profitability.
If multipool does not make own DRK masternode and free his miners of 20% fee like couple other pools did, I think that 20% better X11 competition will prevail over average 10% multipool advantage from mining single coin.

Even if we set up a masternode, we could not direct payments to it.  We would get paid randomly, and less than once per day.  There are over 750 masternodes now and DRK gets 575 blocks per day (one block per 2.5 minutes).  So we'd make less than 1 DRK per day on a masternode, divided amongst all the miners.

Also, running a masternode does not exempt a pool from payments, that I'm aware of.  If that was the case, there would be no reason to run a masternode as 3-4 pools would be taking 90% of the payments.  If that's what you're saying, please cite a source for that assertion.  Some pools have not yet updated their stratum/wallets and therefore are not paying out the fee to masternodes.  Those pools need to update or their blocks will be rejected by the network when the hardfork comes with the next release.
sr. member
Activity: 737
Merit: 262
Me, Myself & I
What is the fee for DRK on Question was raised in another thread about 20% masternode fee and multipool was not on list of "20% free" pools. 20% plus on DRK makes no point using X11 multipool.
EDIT: Inserted link to mentioned thread

The masternode fee does not go to the pool, it goes to the masternodes that do the anonymous transactions.  DRK fee is 1.5% just like our other pools

We take the masternode fee into account when calculating profitability.
If multipool does not make own DRK masternode and free his miners of 20% fee like couple other pools did, I think that 20% better X11 competition will prevail over average 10% multipool advantage from mining single coin.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
I'm interested in mining SHA256 on, but have some questions regarding Cryptsy integration. Previously I've mined Scrypt on multipools that automatically handle the exchange. I'm hoping to set up a similar kind of "set and forget" configuration because I don't have the time to manage or optimize the exchange process.

I've gone through the Cryptsy integration instructions, including using my API key to populate the wallet addresses in my multipool account. Not all the addresses got populated, but I think that all the SHA256 ones did (which is what I care about). I've also identified the SHA256 coins from the multipool stats page and enabled auto sell (second highest sell bid) for the corresponding coins in my Cryptsy account.

The question is how should I go about setting the autopay thresholds for the non-BTC SHA256 coins on the multipool side? It seems like if there is fluctuation in profitability, these values might become sub-optimal. Further, I'd be concerned that it would be possible for the pool to send to Cryptsy too often, which could be construed as an attack (according to other posts I've read).

Maybe when the Cryptsy integration level is "Full Auto", it handles the thresholds automatically, or otherwise throttles transfers to the exchange? Honestly I don't know what "Full Auto" does nor can I find information about it in the FAQ on the pool site, but I have it enabled for now.

The last question is regarding new coins. When new SHA256 coins are added (which is probably rare nowadays) I assume that any mined coins just sit in the multipool account until such time that I manually add a Cryptsy address. Does the pool notify me about this situation? It would be nice to get an email rather than have to pull the info about added coins from the news feed.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.

Full auto does set the thresholds automatically, but it won't overwrite addresses or set thresholds for addresses that are already populated.  You can set up your addresses and thresholds using full integration by deleting your addresses and saving full integration again.

On the help page, it lists the minimum withdraw threshold for each coin.  These are in place to avoid overloading of exchanges.

You can also set daily pay which will send your coins once per day as long as your balance is over the threshold.
Activity: 1150
Merit: 1004
I'm interested in mining SHA256 on, but have some questions regarding Cryptsy integration. Previously I've mined Scrypt on multipools that automatically handle the exchange. I'm hoping to set up a similar kind of "set and forget" configuration because I don't have the time to manage or optimize the exchange process.

I've gone through the Cryptsy integration instructions, including using my API key to populate the wallet addresses in my multipool account. Not all the addresses got populated, but I think that all the SHA256 ones did (which is what I care about). I've also identified the SHA256 coins from the multipool stats page and enabled auto sell (second highest sell bid) for the corresponding coins in my Cryptsy account.

The question is how should I go about setting the autopay thresholds for the non-BTC SHA256 coins on the multipool side? It seems like if there is fluctuation in profitability, these values might become sub-optimal. Further, I'd be concerned that it would be possible for the pool to send to Cryptsy too often, which could be construed as an attack (according to other posts I've read).

Maybe when the Cryptsy integration level is "Full Auto", it handles the thresholds automatically, or otherwise throttles transfers to the exchange? Honestly I don't know what "Full Auto" does nor can I find information about it in the FAQ on the pool site, but I have it enabled for now.

The last question is regarding new coins. When new SHA256 coins are added (which is probably rare nowadays) I assume that any mined coins just sit in the multipool account until such time that I manually add a Cryptsy address. Does the pool notify me about this situation? It would be nice to get an email rather than have to pull the info about added coins from the news feed.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
sr. member
Activity: 285
Merit: 250
Is there a problem with the EU based stratum server for SHA256?
It's dead most of the time since sunday for me.

Our upstream Bitcoin pool appears to be having some issues on their EU port over the last couple days.  When we can't connect, the pool won't accept your connection.  This is intentional, to allow you to fail over to your secondary pool.  You should always have a backup pool set (US-East is your most likely bet in Europe) in case of issues.

Thanks for that information. I've already set your US-East server as backup pool for my rigs, but i was curious about the EU server. Now i know, thanks again mate. Smiley
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
Is there a problem with the EU based stratum server for SHA256?
It's dead most of the time since sunday for me.

Our upstream Bitcoin pool appears to be having some issues on their EU port over the last couple days.  When we can't connect, the pool won't accept your connection.  This is intentional, to allow you to fail over to your secondary pool.  You should always have a backup pool set (US-East is your most likely bet in Europe) in case of issues.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
What is the fee for DRK on Question was raised in another thread about 20% masternode fee and multipool was not on list of "20% free" pools. 20% plus on DRK makes no point using X11 multipool.
EDIT: Inserted link to mentioned thread

The masternode fee does not go to the pool, it goes to the masternodes that do the anonymous transactions.  DRK fee is 1.5% just like our other pools

We take the masternode fee into account when calculating profitability.
sr. member
Activity: 285
Merit: 250
Is there a problem with the EU based stratum server for SHA256?
It's dead most of the time since sunday for me.
sr. member
Activity: 737
Merit: 262
Me, Myself & I
What is the fee for DRK on Question was raised in another thread about 20% masternode fee and multipool was not on list of "20% free" pools. 20% plus on DRK makes no point using X11 multipool.
EDIT: Inserted link to mentioned thread
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