1. Intel Atom N455 1.9 H/s 15W (netbook)
2. 2x Xeon 3200DP (800/2mb) Socket 604 4.8 H/s 312W (server)
3. 2x Xeon 3400DP (800/1mb) Socket 604 4.5 H/s 315W (server)
4. Intel Pentium 2020M 8.8 H/s 35W (laptop)
5. AMD A10 5800K 11.8 H/s 250W (desktop)
Tell please the OS and miner you use. And I will add the data to the table. I think it's enough important for all who would like to start mining VRM
the miner on all machines (xeons, atom, pentium) - CPUminer-opt-3.6.6 (cpuminer-sse2), and AMD - CPUminer-opt-3.6.6 (cpuminer-aes-avx). Atom Os - Win7x64, AMD - Win8.1x64, Pentium - Win10x64, all Xeons - WinServer2008R2. You can still in the table, add "difficulty", and that when the difficulty will increase, the results will not be correct. I love stats and analysis!
мaйнep нa вcex мaшинax (xeons, atom, pentium) - CPUminer-opt-3.6.6 (cpuminer-sse2), a нa AMD - CPUminer-opt-3.6.6 (cpuminer-aes-avx). Os Atom - Win7x64, AMD - Win8.1x64, Pentium - Win10x64, all Xeons - WinServer2008R2. Moжнo eщe в тaблицy дoбaвить "тpyднocть", a тo кoгдa тpyднocть yвeличитcя, тo peзyльтaты бyдyт нe кoppeктными. Oбoжaю cтaтиcтикy и aнaлиз!