Seeeeriously .... XCP needs higher Volumes. I spent the last 7 days of buying XCP in small batches because the turnover volumes are so minimal.
IMO the current landscape is not very mature and does not reflect accurate 'value' of XCP , I think as CounterParty doesn't pretend unlike some other projects to be used for buying starbucks in a few years but a complete protocol, an entire suite of tools extending bitcoin right now it has a lot of untapped potential
I wrote some ideas below on how volume could potentially see increases, I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg
Breakthrough on secure BTCpays. BTC is the most liquid cryptocurrency we have now. There exists a couple of services
now that will convert BTC into BTC backed Counterparty assets tradeable on the exchange with all the benefits they afford over plain BTC there's an additional conversion going on making it less than frictionless, again seems some users have a mental block to two step
processes + handling IOUS, despite the fact this is essentially how all the centralized exchanges work and at least this way things are more transparent.
Desktop wallet (Some users have pyschological block to running web-wallets, regardless of whether it's running client side)
Further Incentivation for using counterparty network:
1) Further use cases for asset registration (e.g wallet that routes XCP assets as vanity Addresses to issuer in sender field)
Access control/membership systems (if you own SITEPASS you can access), Coupon/discount service (SEND COOLSITEDISCOUNT) at checkout
phase to earn a discount. There's a demo of how such a thing could be implemented here
https://pay.blockscan.com2) Further use of XCP as a betting tool: e.g binary options, dice games
3) Further use of Feed/Broadcasts: provable announcements, Proof of existence, prediction markets etc
4) Use of XCP as a fuel for smart contracts (especially if ethereum launch delayed and smart contracting talent can be attracted over)
- Autobridges into more mature markets (MT4, Ripple, Sierracharts) -
Most of these already have decent market making infrastructure in place, and more that's being built.
- other fiat onramps, seems bitsquare could be forked to provide decentralized LBC style markets for XCP
- OTC markets, brokers + dark pools. a start here:
Increased tokenization of existing physical or digital assets onto the counterparty network, We already have two established bullion dealers operating on counterparty, but you could trade anything- not at all limited to cryptocurrency-space, paper stock certificates, ingame currency, coffee beans.
Emergence of asset trading services, ratings agencies, WoT-like trust mechanisms this could facilatate services built on top like p2p lending platforms
Increased Asset / asset trading directly on the DEX (e.g SJCX for LTBC or XCP for GEMZ)-
Exchange adoption of CounterParty tech (e.g imagine lakeBTC could allow withdrawal/deposit of LAKEUSD to counterparty) In this
way, fiat liquidity would be added to the decentralised exchange- although the centralised exchange would not directly
profit from trade fees occuring on-chain they would be earn slices as an onramp, and ultimately funds would arrive
back at the exchange as a final destination for redemption. This model is similar to tether, recently adopted
on bitfinex aside from the fact the fiat backed token would be specific to each exchange .