1: Check the balance by using Blockscan API (it is safe to skip this step if you are sure you have enough balance in your address. But I don't think BlockScan will mind if we use their API, since it is not so different with we just querying the balance in their website. Correct me if I am wrong, Mtbitcoin. :-) )
2: Generate the 'send' transaction with the help of counterparty lib (coding it follows the specification in other language is also easy. Recommend to use the OP_RETURN version if you don't mind maybe a little bit longer confirmation time).
3: Sign the transaction with Trezor API.
4: broadcast the transaction in https://blockchain.info/pushtx.
This client does not need any bitcoin full node and even counterpartyd running. I just don't have time to implement by myself. If anyone is interested, feel free to implement it to get the bounty.
Moreover, I think if Mtbitcoin can implement this in Blockscan, it will be even better. All these can be written in Python and Javascript. Due to the feature of Trezor, nobody needs to worry about leaking the private key when using this function.
I don't think it should be too difficult but I have not looked at the Trezor API. Does it support offline raw transaction signing ?
The counterparty Dev team is working hard on the desktop client, so once that goes out it resolve most of the "client" issues.