Well.... that was an interesting development.
The way I understand the back story of CounterParty now is..... A dev was trying to work with MasterCoin but things weren't going well at Mastercoin so said dev just cloned it and improved it by himself.
Now dev sees a product called Ethereum and clones it and puts it in CounterParty. That must sting for Ethereum, especially if CounterParty gets the first mover advantage and makes it better in someway than Ethereum was originally planning.
And then what after that..... Dev clones and grabs additionally third application and puts it on Counterparty for a secret project with Overstock?
One problem with the crypto world is that a lot of people are terrible finishers. Sooooo many projects with bad GUIs or no GUI, or so many projects have been delayed over and over. The result is that there is lots of innovation, but no really great end product. Looks like CounterParty is coming in and finishing things off.
I am going to watch CounterParty. I was originally a naysayer because I thought it was a ripoff of Mastercoin, just another clone that was going to be a pump as so often exists in the alt coin world, but since its early days it has become much better than Mastercoin, and actually become quite respectable.