If anybody has the patience to help a newbie I'd appreciate it. I am not a computer technical person. I followed the steps to install from source
on windows. I installed everything I needed and brought up a cmd.exe command window. I typed the
cd C:\
git clone
https://github.com/xnova/counterpartyd_buildcd counterpartyd_build
C:\Python32\python.exe setup.py
I then follow the directions to run from source.
cd C:\counterpartyd_build
C:\Python32\python.exe run.py server
After doing this it takes a while showing all the blocks and transactions and burns up till now correct?
Well my question is after it has caught up, what do I do to use counterparty exactly? In the same command window it doesn't let me
type anything. So do i open a new command window while that one is running? If so when i go to counterpartyd_build prompt in a new cmd
all the commands do not work. Everything says is not a recognized command or something. I do not understand where the actualy
counterparty progam is. Please explain to me in a literal step by step manner like you would explaining to your grandmother. I just want to be able
to use counterpary to confirm my balance has successfully transferred when I transferred my private key from blockchain.info. And to move my xcp
to another bitcoin address. Thank you so much to any member willing to explain it layman to me.