If the big companies and banks are just intested in the technology, they can just build their own network with counterparty technology, just as what have already been done by Symbiont. As a private ledger they certainly don't need the existing network (holders and assets).
Counterparty or more precisely XCP certainly still has its value as an established public platform supports smart contracts. However, next time don't to be too excited when we see news that XYZ company or ABC bank invests in Symbiont or intested in counterparty technology.
Re 1st paragraph: They clearly said that Symbiont tech does not compete or overlap with Counterparty tech. They have built other solutions (permissioned ledgers) and will use those when that's what clients want -- which is probably what most clients want atm if you look at the current permissioned ledger craze. This is a good way to get business and wait until people/regulations come around and clear up. To sum it up -- they have more than one solution and are in a discovery phase. When Counterparty tech is applicable to use, they will use it, because they did not build any overlapping or competing tech.
Re 2nd: I don't really know what to say. Obviously an investment in Symbiont is good, but does not have an immediate effect on the price of XCP, especially when Counterparty's main use is not even online. And yeah, of course I would rather have someone dump 20m into XCP, but it's super unrealistic to think that will happen. The mention of Red Hat earlier in the thread was a good one. It's a billion dollar business that repackages open source software and resells it with added stuff. The software Red Hat pushes is very, very successful in part because of Red Hat sometimes selling it to businesses.
Yes, I agree most of you have said. My post is by no means complaining. Actually I owns a lot to the devs since I earned quit a lot as a burner. Moreover, I am not saying Symbiont is doing something wrong. As a company, they are certainly doing the right thing, as obviously only private ledger brings revenue currently.
I am just want to warn the new comers to not have an unrealistic expectation that price of XCP will be immediately pushed up if Symbiont gets more funding. I prefer the XCP increase steadily with the growing usage. Hate to see another pump and dump. Concentrate on the progress of counterparty itself and less on Symbiont.