So what? They said their software can be connected to Counterparty and is all part of the tech stack. Private ledgers are great for making money, and many vastly successful Linux distributions use exactly the same business model. You are warning others that Symbiont isn't spending money on Counterparty... but all their activity and statements suggest that they are. Where's your evidence?
Also, smart contracts are waiting on Ethereum to have a stable release, then they will be ported. Stability and performance updates are happening regularly (see last week for example). This 'delay' has nothing to do with XCP devs. It's a strategic decision. And you realize that all of the core devs of Counterparty are still working on it?
And XCP is open source, so anyone is free to contribute code. You don't need to wait for investors or devs.
Yes. You can make a fork, and if people prefer to use that one, then it will be the main fork regardless of the devs. But if you manage to implement that, it makes sense that the devs will simply add your code to the official repo.
But keep in mind that the limitation on smart contracts is waiting for Ethereum to finish them, so that there aren't any consensus issues later. This is all extremely security critical code, which makes it even more challenging. Counterparty regularly has formal security audits, bug bounties, and a high standard for security. If you can ensure that you retain consensus with Ethereum, and create production ready code which stands up to the security parameters, then I'm sure the dev team will consider it. You can have smart contracts in the next 24 hours, if you happen to be some form of rainman savant.
No need to argue anymore. No one really knows what happened except themselves. If they really care about the future of counterparty, they should hand over the control to someone have enough time and energy and become sponsor instead of a part time core dev.
Lol. You're missing one of his points, which is that they still work on it.... more than anyone. But yeah, go find someone that wants to donate their time and work on Counterparty for free and I'm sure they'll be recognized for their efforts.