Participation in Marketing Campaign.
Easy to do - just 1 Bittrex Post @ 3 XDE2,
4 Tweets @ 1 XDE2, 1 chat or Facebook post @1 XDE2
and not selling coins bonus @ 2 XDE2 = 10 XDE2
Or, you could do any combination of methods -
just get the minimum 10 XDE2 and you get the signature bonus
So if I'm not reach 10XDE2 per week then i will not get any reward?
I'm sorry if I'm not diligent to take a part on this Promotional program
To get the signature campaign reward, you need to get 10 XDE2 from Marketing/Bonuses.
You will always get rewards for marketing (even if only 1 Tweet), unless you
sell off more than 2 XDE2 per week. You an skip weeks - no problem. But, as long
as you do not sell more that 2 XDE2 per week you are OK.
Selling off more than 2 per week disqualifies you from the Marketing Campaign.