How do I stake once I've waited the three days?
Unlock your wallet. Settings>Unlock Wallet. Then just enter your passphrase.
The other way is via the console: Help>Debug Window>Console. Type:
walletpassphrase xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 9999999 true
The 9999999 refers to the amount of seconds that you wish to leave your wallet open for Staking. The xxxxxxxxxx is your passphrase (your encryption password)
Once you have entered that string, click on the red bar to clear the text/passphrase from your console for security reasons.
Personally I have yet to get my wallet to actually sync and have tried most suggestions, but it still fails. Will wait now until a new working wallet is released. Bit worrying leaving the coins on BITtrex, but at least they are safe there. Sent 20 to my wallet fine, then sent a test 6K 2 days ago (just after sending the first 20 coins) and they have yet to arrive, so not sending the full 308K to the wallet until syncing is sorted out. This is the only wallet I have come across that has had this many issues so far with regards syncing.