this - that is more damage than what an upside-down/sideways shipping box would ever cause.
that said, bitmain obviously needs to step up the standards a little bit if there are such rampant reports of damaged miners in shipment.
there is an very easy way to know if the miner and its packaging will survive transit (and prove it to your customers): Pack it up, tape the box shut, and then roll it off the top step of a large staircase. Do this on video and then film the unboxing. If the unit is banged up and cards came loose you have an issue, since UPS will treat it no better than you just did.
I'm 100% serious - really give the shipping box a hard shove so it gets some bounce. You have no idea how badly UPS and other couriers handle 'fragile' items. If the packaging is done right the unit should survive courier.
Seriously? How bad do you think it is?
How many S2's have they shipped vs the number of damaged miners recieved? Do you have the numbers, do we even know the scope of the number of shipped S2's? I imagine its a pretty big number.