I've got 4 units and only 1 hashes at 440-441 at stock freq, the others get 414-420ish.
In working with bitmain over email I tried re applying thermal paste and swapping psu's around and still nada. Then they asked me to swap control board from the one good miner to one that is underperforming and lo and behold the underperforming one is now hashing at 440-441 with the other hashing at the lower speed.
I've swapped it on then others and it's the same result. Since the static IP is saved on the control board it moves from swap to swap with the good control board, so it constantly thinks it's the good unit and hashes at adv. spec
so after further testing with bitmain engineer he had me test each blade individually, and individually after 15min they were hashing around 217-220.. maybe 15min was not long enough to test but after sending him the screenshots of them individually he went ahead and sent me RMA label for the 3 control boards.
just sucks having to be down 3 miners while they ship to china and wait for the replacements to ship back to me
Dont do it! Its really not worth sending them back. 420 gh/s is actually within the 441 +/- 5% range bitmain has advertised. That extra ~20 gh/s is only about 30 cents a day. You will lose more having the miners not hashing than from the lower hashrate. At the very least wait for a few difficulty increases before sending them back.