First of all, you are really all over the place with your post bonesjones, and mostly completely off topic... at least it seems... but maybe the only way that you can get anyone to read your long rants into purported character history and drama is for you to place such rants into a thread that was created and maintained by someone who has some amount of credibility for at least attempting to make some valid claims and to back them up by evidence and to maybe clarify or supplement within such themes... but gosh, bonesjones, you seem to so easily get caught up into discussion of supposed personalities that are so damned far from having any kind of meaningful relevance.
If I were admin I would want to take care of most dangerous and scammy members first. Especially if they were colluding, perverting the trust system and in default trust positions where their leverage could cause max damage to other members.
"If I were admin"?
I think that you are using that hypothetical just attempting to describe your idea of some kind of a gold standards rather than really suggesting that you would actually go through all the hard work of actually serving as an admin over years and years to build a forum, such as this one.. and maybe tweaking the various systems of the forum along the way.
There is one thing to start some kind of forum systems from scratch and another thing to attempt to build upon existing systems.
I thought that I had seen at one point theymos was considering the possibility that the merit that started in early 2018 would either replace the trust system or to make the trust system less central.
I will admit that there does seem to be some messiness in various forum systems, whether we are talking about how the trust system is played or the merit system or maybe a combination of them... and your suggestion of you being admin seems to have a lot of pie in the sky in it, and even if you might understand some of these dynamics better than me, I have a lot of doubts that you really are providing any kind of meaningful suggestions in regards to what you would do...
Now on the other hand, if you might temper your aspirations a bit, and request to become some kind of moderator rather than admin, then that might be more realistic.... though I doubt that theymos would want to trust someone like you with such power unless maybe he knew some of your other names.. your history is pretty short around here, even though you are proclaiming to know so much.
Another possible way would be either to create your own forum or to find a forum that is a lot more closer to you preferences in terms of being able to build upon it in a way that is suitable to your standards. What is this forum in comparison? Instead of having pie in the sky standards, you would rather build here or do you believe that there are ways to make a better forum, and then slowly start to attract members from here (or even completely new members) over to your purportedly better forum?
Keep an eye on nullius when he starts stalking and obsessing on female members. Limit post to 300 words. 1 post day max.
I do find this an interesting point because i have also been accused of having long posts that members proclaim to not understand, and you, bonesjones, are no stranger to the long post. One thing is having long posts that attempt to state relevant things, and another thing is just to have long posts that clutter into meandering stream of consciousness ideas of only loose relevance.
In essence, long posts are not created equally, at least seems to me.
To jayjuangee - no, empathy according to nullius is tag worthy. Be very careful about suggesting people show empathy here.
Hm? Maybe the tag worthiness of empathy depends on context? There are degrees to these kinds of matters, right? Being empathetic and showing emotions are parts of being human, and yeah maybe we have some bots here, too.. and sometimes people become too emotional in their presentation of content, but those can be both flaws but also part of being human... I do think in order to have effective presentation of ideas it is good to attempt to keep emotions under control, but I also become a bit frustrated if any of us would be presenting models of behavior that remove emotions or presume that we cannot show emotions from time to time.
Nullius does not care about this forum. He is here stalking for young girls to try to impress with his waffling memorized garbage. This is clear. He only wants to punish hacker to try to get lauda into some cyber sex routine.
You are playing this angle of purported nullius biasness towards females quite heavily, bonesjones, and I doubt that it has hardly any kind of import in terms of what might be going on.
Don't believe me? Have a look through his history with alia and his posts about how he feels about lauda in a sexual way, and his red tags for empathy and or anything else from anyone who correctly notes his honey lauda is a scumbag. This guy nullius is creepy.
I recall some of the alia interaction matters from a couple of years ago, and I have seen some of nullius's posts in regards to either talking about lauda or interacting with lauda, and again, it seems to me that you are attempting to read way too much into some of these interactions or even some of the history of nullius's behavior or a potential problematic pattern that might otherwise affect his ability to present forum matters or to even talk about things in reasonable and/or sensible ways.
I doubt that I really need to do any further research into the matter, and your seeming inability to even describe this matter in some kind of compelling way causes me to conclude that you are likely just blustering in regards to these matters.
Besides what real fan of bitcoin does not have 1.2bitcoin? Nullius is a total joke. Alia saw that and he was history.Delete his slobbering.
You are saying that nullius has proclaimed to NOT have 1.2 bitcoin? And there is some kind of relevancy in that, even if true?
Sometimes people might talk about their own personal finances, and we come from a variety of different financial situations, and sometimes we will also purposefully NOT disclose too many specifics of our BTC holdings or other aspects of our finances.
But, sure, I could see that sometimes in order to have some credibility in talking about certain financial matters, it can be somewhat helpful to attempt to talk in terms of personal experiences, too... which people might have some hesitancies to take financial advice from someone who barely has two nickels to rub together.
I talk about these kinds of financial matters in a lot of different ways, and I try to be sympathetic to the starting point of various members or even if members might have screwed up a lot with their finances in the past, then there might be some question of whether they are going to revert back to bad old patterns or even if they are willing to learn better approaches to their finances.
There are some people who are quite rich in their finances, but they still hardly know shit about their finances or how to manage them.. So, there can be quite a bit of individual variability and the extent to which they reveal personal financial specifics might NOT be completely relevant to attempting to figure out what kind of problem they might either be trying to solve for themselves or maybe if they are trying to help another member to figure out some preferable financial approaches.
Also, personally, I am a bit hostile, in my own thinking in regards to how any member is going to build any kind of solid financial plan that involves too many investments into altcoins or ICOs or various other shit projects. I consider bitcoin to be risky enough as an investment, and bitcoin would be the starting point, from my own personal perspective, before diverging or maybe devolving into other kinds of crypto related investments that are largely heavily correlated to bitcoin anyhow, but tend to be just adding more risk and more likely to get caught up into foggy thinking.. but those are my biases towards bitcoin, and in terms of bitcoin versus traditional investments, there would be a quite a few factors to weigh in terms of where someone is at personally in terms of cashflow, which other investments, if any, timeline, view of other investments versus bitcoin, risk tolerance and time and abilities to manage any funds including researching trading or tweaking allocations from time to time.
Want to refute any of that? Get specific and we'll see how you get on.
It seems to me that I don't need to refute any of what you are asserting because largely, what you have been asserting seems so damned far from relevance, and if it does happen to be relevant in some kind of a tangential way then it is your burden to show how it might happen to be some kind of important considerations (which it seems that you haven't really accomplished in any kind of meaningful way and again, I feel a bit bad to explore some of these topics with you which are stretches of relevance, even if giving you the most benefit of the doubt in that direction).