Ordinary people know and trust (god knows why!) Apple as a company and brand, to them Bitcoin is noting more than a geeky pyramid scheme, so who would they choose you think?
Apple would not profit from that, so no.
Apple will make a coin where mining hardware is build into all of their products (Or maybe just the iBeacon thingy or POS units) and then they will collect the mining fees themselves. They learned how to make money by being the middleman from iTunes and the sales of music. They will basically do the same thing here.
My ex was an apple fan-girl(?) and even though I tried with all the logic in the world to explain to her why monopoly on infrastructure is a bad thing, she wouldn't listen. Ordinary people just don't give a flying fuck about openness and the importance of real free competition.
This is actually an interesting thought, and while I have never thought of it until now, it seems very feasible that Apple would do something like this. Wouldn't you, if it were your company?
I thought the same thing (interesting thought) at first, but Apple will need permission before using your electricity, CPU/Chip, internet, etc. It might not be as easy as it seems. Now, if they can pay out coins for using your rig or offer other compensation, then they might have something. But now we are back to centralized "money". And be sure, there will be billions of ICoins (what a sick though, almost makes me want to Ipuke in the Itoilet.)
This is why I think that they might only be putting the mining hardware into the iBeacon hardware thingy or POS units.