edit: i really don't know either what -r does
from the readme file:
xxBitCrack.exe [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]
Where [TARGETS] are one or more Bitcoin address
-i, --in FILE
Read addresses from FILE, one address per line. If FILE is "-" then stdin is read
-o, --out FILE
Append private keys to FILE, one per line
-d, --device N
Use device with ID equal to N
-b, --blocks BLOCKS
The number of CUDA blocks
-t, --threads THREADS
Threads per block
-p, --points NUMBER
Each thread will process NUMBER keys at a time
--keyspace KEYSPACE
Specify the range of keys to search, where KEYSPACE is in the format,
START:END start at key START, end at key END
START:+COUNT start at key START and end at key START + COUNT
:END start at key 1 and end at key END
:+COUNT start at key 1 and end at key 1 + COUNT
-c, --compressed
Search for compressed keys (default). Can be used with -u to also search uncompressed keys
-u, --uncompressed
Search for uncompressed keys, can be used with -c to search compressed keys
--compression MODE
Specify the compression mode, where MODE is 'compressed' or 'uncompressed' or 'both'
List available devices
--stride NUMBER
Increment by NUMBER
--share M/N
Divide the keyspace into N equal sized shares, process the Mth share
--continue FILE
Save/load progress from FILE
Use the `-b,` `-t` and `-p` options to specify the number of blocks, threads per block, and keys per thread.
### Choosing the right parameters for your device
GPUs have many cores. Work for the cores is divided into blocks. Each block contains threads.
There are 3 parameters that affect performance: blocks, threads per block, and keys per thread.
`blocks:` Should be a multiple of the number of compute units on the device. The default is 32.
`threads:` The number of threads in a block. This must be a multiple of 32. The default is 256.
`Keys per thread:` The number of keys each thread will process. The performance (keys per second)
increases asymptotically with this value. The default is256. Increasing this value will cause the
kernel to run longer, but more keys will be processed.
xxBitCrack.exe [OPTIONS] [TARGETS]
Where [TARGETS] are one or more Bitcoin address
-i, --in FILE
Read addresses from FILE, one address per line. If FILE is "-" then stdin is read
-o, --out FILE
Append private keys to FILE, one per line
-d, --device N
Use device with ID equal to N
-b, --blocks BLOCKS
The number of CUDA blocks
-t, --threads THREADS
Threads per block
-p, --points NUMBER
Each thread will process NUMBER keys at a time
-r, --random
Each point will start in random KEYSPACE
--keyspace KEYSPACE
Specify the range of keys to search, where KEYSPACE is in the format,