Right now, it seems that the crypto world and block chain technology has a lot of potential, but is the crypto world here to stay? Not just bitcoins per se, but other virtual currencies as well like altcoins or litecoins and such. Do you think we will still hear about and use cryptocurrencies for the next, say 5-10 years?
In my opinion its a firm yes. Crypto currencies and the underpinned blockchain technology will truly change the way each an every sector of our economy is run and drastically for the better. Now this may take a while maybe 10 years maybe 15, maybe less, but of its utility to the world i am certain.
That however is not to say that crypto currencies will necessarily remain in its current iteration, this is a fast developing sector and newer better technologies will inevitably come about. Of the current crypto currencies available i think perhaps only a handful will survive in some form or the other. With Bitcoin being the most likely due to the massive network effect that it has/ massive decentralization and first mover advantage.
Ether and Monero are also great bets and the only other 2 currencies i am certain will still be around in 10 years time. Perhaps we can throw Litecoin into that mix as well ( though i am not personally a fan of Litecoin)