Selling your house isn't a profitable idea if you consider making a steady source of income in the long run, its better to put it on rent so you can generate income for yourself. Selling it would give you the money you need in bulk but it can't compare to what you'd earn annually, well, not everyone has the patience for that. Selling your house in this digital age is very easy, there are a lot of sites you can post and even people that are outside your country might show interest in buying that property. Show what the interior looks like, and also the space of the land, those are the land, those are what can attract people's attention easily.
The profit in investing in Bitcoin is high, which is why investors are always interested to invest in this platform. The first thing an investor should prioritize is a stable source of income. If someone wants to make a living from Bitcoin investment, there will be a possibility of loss. Bitcoin is an investment medium where you have to hold the investment for a long time and at any time the volatility of the market can turn your assets into profit or loss.
In terms of investing in Bitcoin, I think that you should invest in capitalizing rather than destroying any financial sector. If you invest in something that makes money, not selling it, but investing with the money earned from it, it will be a safe investment.
If someone wants to sell a house, it will not be difficult. He can first inform his nearest neighbors and then he can also advertise it in any local media. If the house is generating regular income, then I think it should not be sold but invested in some other way.