Passive income might be hard to find when you're not funding a good amount of money to something you think worth investing such as casino investments. It might cost you thousands of dollars plus the risks involved.
I'm not sure but I guess it's worth the time If he will develop the skills he might have like web page designing, coding, or some skills he know he can use to make an income rather than wasting his time looking for some passive income/easy money.
Aiming for a passive income might also cost you an amount of money to be able to educate yourself especially the niche that you would like to pursue in online platform, also it cost you your time, your attention and your determination to adopt the new work environment that you were going to deal of. You can find websites that will teach you about how to make money online explaining the possible income and what are the niches that you must pursue. At the present time online job or freelancing is the new trend and thanks for the pandemic that it gather almost all people to engage their business online, the transactions were all made through online.