Hello everyone,
First gratz for the developers for another Armory release.
I'm writting to ask for some help here since it's the 1st time I'm attempting to use it (as it was highly recomendated). The issue here is that I'm stuck into preparing databases for ages and, a bit bored, of waiting for the spiining wheel to end (which looks that it never will).
My system runs in Windows 10 x64 and seems to be unable to sync with BTC network.
Please help.
Running as Admin with
"F:\Utils\Crypto Miners\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe" --datadir="F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory" --satoshi-datadir="F:\Utils\Crypto\Bitcoin"
Log file opened at 1498466465: F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\armorycpplog.txt
-ERROR - 1498466477: (..\SocketObject.cpp:440) POLLERR error in readAndWrite
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1138 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1255 -
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1256 -
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1257 -
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1258 - ************************************************************
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1259 - Invoked: F:\Crypto Miners\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe --datadir=F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory --satoshi-datadir=F:\Utils\Crypto\Bitcoin
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1260 - ************************************************************
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1261 - Loading Armory Engine:
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1262 - Armory Version : 0.96
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1263 - Armory Build: : a3d01aa722
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1264 - PyBtcWallet Version : 1.35
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1265 - Detected Operating system: Windows
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1266 - OS Variant : 8-6.2.9200--Multiprocessor Free
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1267 - User home-directory : C:\Users\Joao Rocha\AppData\Roaming
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - Satoshi BTC directory : F:\Utils\Crypto\Bitcoin
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1269 - Armory home dir : F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1270 - Detected System Specs :
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1271 - Total Available RAM : 15.87 GB
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1272 - CPU ID string : Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1273 - Number of CPU cores : 8 cores
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1274 - System is 64-bit : True
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1275 - Preferred Encoding : cp1252
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1276 - Machine Arch : amd64
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1277 - Available HDD (ARM) : 439 GB
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1278 - Available HDD (BTC) : 439 GB
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1279 -
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1280 - Network Name: Main Network
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1281 - Satoshi Port: 8333
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1282 - Do wlt check: True
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1283 - Named options/arguments to armoryengine.py:
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - thread_count : -1
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - rescan : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - ignoreAllZC : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - rescanBalance : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - disableModules : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - port : None
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - interport : 8223
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - coverageOutputDir: None
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - forceWalletCheck: False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - regtest : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - rebuild : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - nettimeout : 2
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - datadir : F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - clearMempool : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - offline : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - armoryDBDir : DEFAULT
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - armorydb_port : 9001
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - satoshiPort : DEFAULT
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - useTorSettings : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - netlog : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - keypool : 100
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - coverageInclude : None
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - forceOnline : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - redownload : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - rpcBindAddr :
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - armorydb_ip :
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - multisigFile : DEFAULT
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - ram_usage : -1
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - mtdebug : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - logDisable : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - settingsPath : F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - language : en
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - db_type : DB_FULL
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - doDebug : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - enableDetSign : True
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - disableConfPermis: False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - testnet : False
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - rpcport : DEFAULT
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - satoshiHome : F:\Utils\Crypto\Bitcoin
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - satoshiRpcport : DEFAULT
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - logFile : F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe.log.txt
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1285 - verbosity : None
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1286 - Other arguments:
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1289 - ************************************************************
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1692 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3590 - Using settings file: F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt
2017-06-26 09:41 (ERROR) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3747 - Unsupported language specified. Defaulting to English (en)
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3750 - Using Language: en
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:368 - Using the asynchronous/multi-threaded BlockDataManager.
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:369 - Blockchain operations will happen in the background.
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:370 - Devs: check TheBDM.getState() before asking for data.
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:371 - Registering addresses during rescans will queue them for
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:372 - inclusion after the current scan is completed.
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3590 - Using settings file: F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2042 - loadWalletsAndSettings
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2102 - Loading wallets...
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2167 - Number of wallets read in: 3
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2172 - Wallet (24htVgvZM): "Family Wallet " (Encrypted)
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2172 - Wallet (6k1eP47y): "Venture BTC " (Encrypted)
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:2172 - Wallet (2E5wFWu5Z): "Personal Wallet " (Encrypted)
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1747 - acquiring process mutex...
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1385 - setupUriRegistration
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1453 - Armory already registered for current user. Done!
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:558 - Usermode: Advanced
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1681 - Changing usermode:
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1682 - From: Advanced
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1690 - To: Advanced
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1814 - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1850 - setSatoshiPaths
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:251 - Found Bitcoin Core link on desktop: F:\Crypto Miners\Armory
2017-06-26 09:41 (ERROR) -- ArmoryQt.py:1840 - Failed to setup SDM
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "ArmoryQt.py", line 1835, in startBitcoindIfNecessary
File "SDM.pyc", line 188, in setupSDM
BitcoindError: bitcoind not found
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1900 - Setting netmode: 0
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1850 - setSatoshiPaths
2017-06-26 09:41 (WARNING) -- SDM.pyc:396 - Spawning DB with command:./ArmoryDB.exe --db-type="DB_FULL" --cookie --satoshi-datadir="F:\Utils\Crypto\Bitcoin\blocks" --datadir="F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory" --dbdir="F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\databases"
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:665 - Executing popen: ['./ArmoryDB.exe', '--db-type="DB_FULL"', '--cookie', u'--satoshi-datadir="F:\\Utils\\Crypto\\Bitcoin\\blocks"', u'--datadir="F:\\Utils\\Crypto\\Armory"', u'--dbdir="F:\\Utils\\Crypto\\Armory\\databases"']
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1900 - Setting netmode: 1
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1882 - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:1900 - Setting netmode: 1
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4619 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2017-06-26 09:41 (INFO) -- ArmoryQt.py:4619 - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
Log file opened at 1498466472: F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory/dbLog.txt
-INFO - 1498466472: (..\main.cpp:23) Running on 8 threads
-INFO - 1498466472: (..\main.cpp:24) Ram usage level: 4
-INFO - 1498466472: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:907) blkfile dir: F:\Utils\Crypto\Bitcoin\blocks
-INFO - 1498466472: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:908) lmdb dir: F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory\databases
-INFO - 1498466472: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO - 1498466474: (..\BDM_Server.cpp:996) registered bdv: 5c3bc8b519cfc5ff0d90
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1091) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:169) Reading headers from db
-WARN - 1498466475: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:1175) No headers in DB yet!
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:208) Found 1 headers in db
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:51) updating HEADERS db
-DEBUG - 1498466475: (..\Blockchain.cpp:242) Organizing chain
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\DatabaseBuilder.cpp:56) updated HEADERS db in 0.003s
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\BlockUtils.cpp:1206) Enabling zero-conf tracking
-INFO - 1498466475: (..\BDM_supportClasses.cpp:366) Starting address registration process
-ERROR - 1498466475: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:1435) Headers DB has no block at height: 0
-ERROR - 1498466475: (..\lmdb_wrapper.cpp:1415) No headers at height 0
ManageSatoshi | True
LastDirectory | F:\Utils\Crypto\Armory
Agreed_to_EULA | True
UseTorSettings | False
DNAA_UnlockTimeout | False
First_Load_Date | 1498466466
NotifyIgnore |
DNAA_IntroDialog | False
AdvFeature_UseCt | 0
UnlockTimeout | 10
Wallet_6k1eP47y_LedgerShow | True
FailedLoadCount | 1
User_Mode | Advanced
SkipOnlineCheck | False
MinimizeOnOpen | False
First_Load | False
Wallet_2E5wFWu5Z_LedgerShow | True
LastFilterState | 0
Wallet_24htVgvZM_LedgerShow | True
IgnoreAlerts |
DNAA_DeleteLevelDB | False
Load_Count | 1
LastVersionLoad | v0.96