Show me a conventional mutual fund with dividends equal to Asicminer and I will give you a back rub with a happy ending!
That was never the issue. The issue is facts. I'm merely correcting his statement that not all mutual funds manage billions in assets.
Some mutual funds charge a front-load, transaction fees, or 12b-1 fees. But not all. If you have a brokerage account, you can always take advantage of no-load, no-fee funds. So I'm not sure vortex1878's point reflects "most" funds.
Past and current returns from AM have been stellar. Whether future returns are as good (or better) is pure speculation, or at best an educated guess, just like on Wall Street.
Whether 5% management fee is too much, too little, or just right, is ultimately for the individual investor or the market to decide.
But this discussion is on TAT micro shares, correct, and the management fee is 5% only on the dividends, so the management fee of other funds that charge on total assets under management are not comparable. Also, if you don't wish to pay the 5% fee on dividends, don't buy the TAT vehicle, just that simple, everyone can make their own intelligent choice, but the discussion doesn't belong in this thread, one of the TAT threads would be a more appropriate place.