Well we don't know how he's doing it. For all we know he's testing machines one by one, then taking them back offline - with the plan to put them all back online when difficulty rises. I haven't (and can't be bothered to) done the math to figure out if that actually makes sense (giving up earnings now for lower difficulty later) but would assume he has if it's relevant.
Difficulty just jumped to 3651011.63069. Around the time of the next jump, BFL machines should be coming online and that will affect the following difficulty jump regardless of what friedcat does. This current difficulty period seems like the ideal time for friedcat to put his 12 TH online.
All in all, pretty much everything is irrelevant except "sooner the better" and how soon the competition gets here.
Everyday is worth multiple thousand right now, so it should definitely priority, which I can't comment on because I have no idea what's up (that part was never clarified or explained). But when your days are worth temporarily worth thousands of dollars, you buy more blow and sleep less.