i am the only one who see here
http://news.zeushash.com/news/43the disappeared amhash1 mining farm gear?
wasnt the talking about friedcat gone create a farm in northern china mongolia area?
and now a new mining company starts with Farm in Wuyuan, Inner Mongolia, China............
just instead of mining for people who already paid
the hashrate is sold again via zeus?
i have no facts but
i add pieces together and they would fit pretty good together....
i i would be AM i would have a closer look at this new HalleyChina company and if its not my own gear that is working in their farm
very interesting find cryptonit
their Zeusminer forums are full of complaints, falling hashrates, no customer service. Their investors are losing money.
If it is FC and /or AM it looks like it's "business as usual" for them!
Do you think the pictures of the mine being built with the new miners, that those miners in it are AMhash/AM stolen miners?
Please explain your math