Me also thinks shareholders should get preferential pricing on ASIC's.
This would be a great incentive for owning stock.
Shareholders already get a rebate for purchasing ASICs through dividends.
Agreed, but you also want to attract new investors and I'd argue those who have an interest in mining would be the same who have interest in AM.
I would think it's in as much if not more strategic interest for Bitfountain to see the price of it's shares rise as it is to see profits from any of it's business.
My understanding is AM accounts for 163,962 virtual whole shares of Bitfountain's 236,038 total shares. I
assume the remainder of Bitfountain shares could be sold off in a conversion to AM shares at some point in the future when the conditions are favorable. If AM shares are valued considerably higher it presents a tremendous return for the holder of Bitfoundtain's shares in selling off shares in the conversion.
The news release of the ASIC presents itself as an opportune time to promote the stock through providing a benefit to AM shareholders.
I'm a bit confused as to your statement in bold, going back to the first post in the thread....
ASICMINER is a virtual identity totally held by investors of the Bitfountain company. The Bitfountain company's business includes mining with self-built ASIC devices, as well as the sales of them. Currently ASICMINER shareholders holds 163,962 shares, while Bitfountain shareholders holds 236,038 shares. ASICMINER shares have the privilege of getting all net profits till 0.1BTC/share from the day when dividends began to be paid. They also have the exemption of dilution, which means that each ASICMINER share always equals to 1/400,000 of the total profits and voting power of the summed value from both ASICMINER and Bitfountain.
So I dont think that AM accounts for 163,962 virtual whole shares of Bitfountain's 236,038... I think they are seperate - Bitfountain owns 236,038 - then AM has 163,962 shares that are up for purchase. Can someone please correct me if I'm wrong?
I also don't think it would be a great idea to offer discounts to anyone who owns shares... for example - if I owned some shares in Tesla, does that give me the right to have a discount on a car simply because I own shares? Just because one is investing in AM does not give the right to cheaper mining - I understand that would be great, but I don't see the positive for AM when they do this.