Some useful information:
OSE server charges nothing except for listing. Trading and depositing are both free.
No registration and login are needed to use OSE, but a bitcoin wallet client or online wallet is required. The bitcoin address is used as your identity ID. Issuing, trading, or managing virtual stocks are all through sending a certain amount of bitcoins to a group of bitcoin addresses assigned to each virtual stock.
每个虚拟证券将被绑定一个买入证券的比特币地址(买入地址)。想要用Y个比特币买入X份股票,则请发送X * Y + X * 0.00000001个比特币到买入地址进行挂单。
当发送了X * Y + X * 0.00000001个比特币之后,X * 0.00000001的这部分比特币将会被立即返还。当订单被保留的时候,X * Y的这部分比特币将会被OSE服务器持有。当订单被执行,根据交易股票数的比特币将被发送给卖方。。如果订单取消,比特币将返还给买方。
Each virtual stock will be bound with a bitcoin address for buying. To buy X shares with Y BTC each, please send X * Y + X * 0.00000001 BTC to the buying address. X cannot exceed 9999 and Y has to be dividable by 0.0001. For example, 10.00000100 represents to by 100 shares with 0.1 BTC each. The sending address is called 'buyer's address'.
The bid order will be kept until it's filled or cancelled. If the bid is filled partly or completely, the corresponding stock shares bound to buyers address will increase by the traded amount.
After sending X * Y + X * 0.00000001 BTC, the part of X * 0.00000001BTC will be returned immediately. When the order is in escrow, the part of X * Y will be held by the OSE server. When the order is executed, this part will be sent to the seller. It will be returned to buyer if the order is cancelled.
每个虚拟证券将被绑定一个卖出证券的比特币地址(卖出地址)。想要用Y个比特币卖出X份股票,则请发送X * Y + X * 0.00000001个比特币到卖出地址进行挂单。
当发送了X * Y + X * 0.00000001个比特币之后,全部的比特币都将会被立即返还。当X股的卖单被保留,流通股中可用来被卖出或者转移的总数将会减少X股。当订单交易发生时,对应股份将会被转移至买方。如果取消挂单,可用于卖出的股份数将会重新更新。
Each virtual stock will be bound with a bitcoin address for selling. To sell X shares for Y BTC each, please send X * Y + X * 0.00000001 BTC to the selling address. X cannot exceed 9999 and Y has to be dividable by 0.0001. For example, 10.00000100 represents to sell 100 shares with 0.1 BTC each. The sending address is called 'seller's address'.
The ask order will be kept until it's filled or cancelled. If the ask is filled partly or completely, the corresponding stock shares bound to seller's address will decrease by the traded amount.
After sending X * Y + X * 0.00000001 BTC, all BTC will be returned immediately. When the order is in escrow, X shares of the stock will be removed from the market. When the order is executed, these shares will be transferred to the buyer. They will be returned to the market if the order is cancelled.
By translator: It's kind of weird to require the seller to have 100 BTC first before they can sell their shares for 100BTC]
每个虚拟证券都将绑定一个可以用来转移的地址(转移地址)。要转移X股,请发送任意数量(Y)的比特币到转移地址,并且发送X * 0.00000001个比特币到你想要的转移的地址(接收地址)。X最大不能超过9999。发送比特币的源地址被称为“发送人地址”。
Each virtual stock will be bound with a transfer address. To transfer X shares, please send any number (Y) of BTC to the transfer address and X * 0.00000001 BTC to the address you want to transfer (the receiving addess). X cannot exceeds 9999. The sending address is called 'Sender's address'
After sending Y BTC, all BTC will be returned and the sender's shares will decrease X and the receiver's will increase X.
Wrong format:
If OSE addresses received transactions are not recognized, all BTC will be sent back.
All commands are not valid until there're 6 or more confirmations. Considering each confirmation takes 10 minutes in average, it means recognizing and executing each command will take about 1 hour.