Without any info from AM it is impossible to predict when it is going to be deployed. If I remember correct they ran into problems with 65/55nm tech for gen2 and were looking in using 45nm instead. Also gen3 is supposed to use 28nm which is supposedly the best cost efficiency available with current technology.
As literally every asic manufacturer has discovered, making asics is not an easy/straightforward task. Nearly every manufacturer has run into delays and under performing specs which is why many respect asicminer for not speculating on future hardware performance.
Does nobody find it strange that you can run into problems with 65/55nm tech, but able to implement 45nm .......... sounds the wrong way round!
Do you have any idea how chip design works? Neither do I but based on what info we are given it seems like something to do with the fabrication of 65/55nm that didn't work but a different fabricator capable of 45nm chips was instead being looked in to.
Everyone should definitely read this article for more info: http://thegenesisblock.com/new-asicminer-financial-statements-offer-performance-insight/