The mini-freak out from Wednesday's lower dividend (relatively speaking) has abated, with the share price jumping back up to its 3฿ level from last weekend. I believe we have now officially entered 3฿Ville and we will all be treated to it's Island Paradise with all expenses paid.
Enjoy your stay fellow shareholders as I hear that 4฿'nia is even nicer (beaches, golf, beautiful women, you name it!). We are going there too, after we finish partying it up here.
Dude, I already booked my ticket and going tomorrow to the Philippines, All expenses paid with the divs of a few weeks. BTC_BTC, I am literally dreaming of glorious fried cats!
Excellent Lophie.
I'll meet you out on the greens after I have a few cold ones, it's the Canadian Way.
+1 - We can pay off the game warden in ฿ if he complains too loudly about your Tutu, which I think will go great out there