No idea what the current quote is, but let's make a short back-of-the-envelope calculation based on what is currently known:
1. 200 TH/s arriving soon (July?): assume the order is already paid in full, and that it is only Blades, i.e. 20 000 Blade units. Assume half will be sold and half will be used for mining. Sales price will be lower than earlier, let's assume 25 BTC per Blade. And let's assume that each blade will earn the same amount mining over the next year, so 25 BTC/Blade * 20 000 Blades = 500 000 BTC, or 1.25 BTC per share in revenue over the next year from this order only!
2. More hashing power based on current-gen tech could easily be ordered, costing 10k USD per TH/s. Assume two more 200 TH/s orders over the next year, each earning a revenue half of the preceding order, so 0.625 BTC and 0.3125 BTC (per share) respectively.
3. Next-generation technology: assume AM can squeeze the same amount of revenue over the next year from next-gen tech as they will with current-gen tech. 1.25+0.625+0.3125 BTC
One-year revenue forecast per share: 4.375 BTC per share.
Costs: R&D, production and operations - no idea! 1 BTC per share?
So based on these horribly vague and unreliable assumptions, I see dividends of 3.375 BTC per share over the next 12 months. Assuming performance halfs every 12 months (competition, market saturation, etc.): dividends of approx. 6.3 BTC per share over the next 4 years.
Based on plenty of assumptions, I estimate a fair value above 6.3 BTC per share.
This appears pretty reasonable in my opinion: would mean company value is about 2.5 million BTC or approximately 25% of the remaining BTC to be issued. It can easily be imagined that 25% of the remaining BTC will be mined using AM hardware, and if the hardware is sold at a price close to the break-even price it means 25% of the remaining BTC to be issued will fall in the hands of AM.
My speculated fair value: 6.3 BTC per share.