In the UK teachers and most police don't have guns, the problem is American gun culture. To be fair though, your police are so insane that I don't blame you for wanting guns to feel safe, it is all the US knows. We are much safer here without guns.
You only
feel safe, because you have traded your liberty for an empty promise of security. That warm fuzzy feeling is divorced from cold hard reality.
Americans, having fought and won a war of independence, are sovereign individuals and hence may own weapons. Our English cousins, who are property of the Crown and at the disposal of the Throne, no longer enjoy that right.
The mark of a slave is being forbidden to own weapons, which makes them comparable to eunuchs (a eunuch being as impotent in potentially life-creating situations as the defenseless are in situations threatening death).
When the Germans and Austrians periodically get sick of your Queen and her City sucking their blood, who comes and protects your white cliffs and green fields from their wrath?
Here is your answer:
A humanitarian is always a hypocrite, and Kipling’s understanding of this is perhaps the central secret of his power to create telling phrases. It would be difficult to hit off the one-eyed pacifism of the English in fewer words than in the phrase, ‘making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep’.
-George Orwell, 1942
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Are you going to keep shirking that responsibility and looking down your nose at us who do not?
Please consider leaving the womb of royal serfdom and joining the adult human race in independently providing for your own (and your loved ones') physical security.