The idea behind atheism is the non existence of god.
You're right about that.
This logic is inherently flawed as itself is a negative.
The syntax of that (English?) sentence is flawed. However, the flaws go beyond cleaning up your English. The belief that there is no god is just a belief. It's not a "negative". Yes, there is a syntactic negation in the sentential statement of that belief. But even old Aristotle seems to have a better idea than you about how opposition relations (which *do* exist!) feed into natural language statements with negation (cf _The Categories_).
Its self. My bad.
Non existence does not exist. To say non existence exists is a fallacy. It is like a riddle.
Uh, it's hard to figure out what you mean by that? ^^^. Non-existance is a quality. It's the quality of not existing. Obviously (by definition!) you won't find that quality inhering any extant objects, but geez, is it really throwing you for this hard of a loop?
"Nothing is nothing, unless it is something" If non existence, or nothing, is a quality, then it is something, so it must exist as a conceptualization. How can nothing be something if it is nothing?
Likewise, nothing is nothing. You cannot be nothing, nor can you become something from nothing, nor can you become nothing from something. Existence is eternal.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. Really? Existence is eternal? Ok, so I guess the dinosaurs and the twin towers still exist...
In some other reality, yes, they do. Universe is infinite.
Please explain how energy, which cannot be created nor destroyed, ceases to exist.
You may conceptualize nothingness, perhaps as darkness or void, but you cannot perceive nothing, for nothing does not exist.
Thanks for the permission to conceptualize nothingness. Perhaps you might change your mind and allow us to conceptualize that God is something like that nothingness you mentioned.
That is fine. You may perceive god to be nothingness, but it is only your own reality that you are perceiving to be nothingness. And by perceiving god through any amount, whether thought or belief, you are still confirming it's existence.
So you used to be an atheist until you got yourself all confused with some pseudo-metaphysical sophistry? I think you need a philosophy 101 course, dude.
No. I used to be an atheist until I experienced a great depression, looked within for answers, came out of that depression and experienced egodeath confirming the existence of god.
Egodeath is when your soul, consciousness, completely separates from the physical plane of the universe. The fourth dimension is composed of specific and filtered light spectrums to create your reality of space and time, in other words, you see colors which create the illusion of division. As we have learned, when you combine all these frequencies, colors, together, you get white light. When you are separated from your sense of self, or reality, your consciousness inputs all frequencies of the universe.
This results in your vision turning to completely white energy of the highest form, consciousness, love, god. Ego death brings the feeling of infinite love, it is a greater feeling than 1000 times the happiest point of your life, at a minimum. It is what you experience upon death.
This kid's had multiple near death experiences and he describes the same infinite peace and white light of united consciousness.“While I was still unconscious, I was in this white room; no walls, it just went on and on. There was no sound, but that same peaceful feeling I had when I was four. I was wearing a really nice suit, and so was my favorite rapper, Kid Cudi. I then looked at myself in the mirror—I was proud of myself, of my entire life, everything I have done. It was the best feeling. I didn’t want to leave that place. I wish I never woke up.”
"Right then, my favorite song of his came on, Mr. Rager. The part where it said, 'when will the fantasy end, when will the heaven begin?' And he said, 'Go now.'"
Another testimony:
Following a simple medical procedure for pancreatitis in 2009, Crystal McVea of Oklahoma went into full respiratory arrest on the operating table. When that happened, she says she experienced a trip to heaven that renewed her faith in God, whom she met in person. She described him as “an immense brightness,” one that she could “feel, taste, touch, hear, and smell,” and recalled having 500 senses while in heaven, as opposed to the traditional human five.