Scientific law is just that, law. And you know what they say about rules, right? They're made to be broken. I have first hand experience that it is possible to exploit the laws of physics. Once we abandon their stronghold against our dreams, our dreams will become as real as life itself.
What you're suggesting is that physics is something man just made up and written up as a "law" like a lawmaker... This is truly one of the most unknowledgeable things I've read in a long time.
But for starters, since it's (according to you) just a law man made up, try exploiting gravity and move up just a few thousand feet away from the planet in altitude. You'll immediately notice a small problem to your logic
Physical laws are mathematic descriptions of our environment to our present best knowledge, nothing more. And they can change (usually extend) under certain circumstances, that's how science works by its own definitions.
Again, I'm noting you are lacking the most basic education here. Could it be you never went to or finished school?
If you think you have first hand experience that this is possible, what are you still doing here arguing on the internet ?! Take your best shot and give proof to the scientific community. Oh wait, I bet you a year's pay or equivalent that you just fooled yourself.
As to that, please try meditating yourself before throwing outlandish phrases at an individual. Any Buddha, monk, yogi or truly enlightened individual has experienced life without thought. When you are devoid of thought, you are truly in the present and focused on this reality. This is how people fall in love, with them selves or others, through feeling, not thinking.
I really don't know how to break this to ya... But as opposed to religious people of any kind (or yourself), I actually am quite focussed on reality. Given the severe nonsense you've written up so far, it would appear being "devoid of thought" isn't exactly something positive or desirable. Unfriendly people define that state of mind as "being brainless stupid" and technically speaking, they're spot-on. You yourself are giving the best example.
I merely analyze you and present you a mirror to see yourself as you really are - something you're persistently closing your eyes to... = delusional.
You very precisely fit the symptoms that are found in many "convinced believers" (which by itself is a 100% self-contradiction that evades most religious persons). Severe lack of education, severe lack of common sense or reason, generally an almost infantile "logic" garbled and twisted beyond comprehension. That's what I call a "religious robot", a person easily infected and clinging onto make-believes due to complete lack of mental capabilities to comprehend its own environment. The believes serve to cover-up a psychological defect that is best described as a general phobia against everyday reality and the severe insecurity resulting from it.
I'm normally noone to judge others but "feeling" certainly serves its purposes. However, what you're suggesting is that feeling is all you need to go through life - this is a very, very, very foolish idea because it's so wrong on so many levels. It would explain your behaviour, though.
When was the last time a Buddha, monk or yogi made any globally relevant breakthrough discovery? After all, according to your "logic", these people must be the absolutely clearest and brightest heads mandkind has.
Oh wait.... they never did. No clergyman of any modern religion has, no matter how hard they meditated. The arguably best that ever came from some of such people is Philosophy, which is highly debatable by its own nature. You'll be the judge of that.
If it wasn't clear we're talking religion here, your statements would (at best) cause friendly hints like "dude, don't do drugs! It's obvious they're bad for you".
This is how bad religion can become on some people. After all, even the destructive effects of most hard drugs can be treated - religious infection however usually can't.
Anyway, go ahead and continue potentially ruining your life by solely "believing" and "feeling". Good luck - you'll seriously need it, wandering around mentally blind in this world.