And what more is reason than judgement?
What does science explain other than what we are physically able to measure? Is it any more than law that dictates our own limitations due to what we perceive them to be? Why does it fail to explain what we experience? Dreams, thoughts, existence, death? Love?
For one to realize the true existence of self, one must transcend beyond all language. Words are created to describe concepts of our existence, do describe the essence of god. When you are able to find no words, no thoughts, just now, then you will see the true being of the universe.
Judgement alone can be dead wrong, judgement is a follow-up thought process after information being carefully going through the filtering process of reason.
Science explains not only what we are able to measure, but also works the frontier of what is not able to be measured yet. Additionally, science yields the answers to the question
why measurements actually come out the way they do under specific circumstances and effectively allows to calculate instead of build & measure.
This allows for planning with an optimum success rate.
Science also does not fail to explain what we experience, the processes of Neurochemistry are pretty well understood by now. I highly advise to get up-to-speed with the current scienfitic knowledge.
Where science does not have definite answers yet, it works on achieving them step by step. This is the natural process of science and not a failure of any kind - after all there's no magic involved and aquiring knowledge takes time.
Also, never confuse "perception" with science, these are two entirely different worlds (and human perception is pretty well understood by science). Again, please get up-to-speed with current scientific knowledge instead of making such clearly uneducated claims.
Note that our existence is not bound to "language" or words/speech of any kind. Words are created solely to communicate and store/pass along knowledge and information - and have absolutely
nothing to do with superstitious make-believes/god etc.
When you are able to find no words, no thoughts, just now, then you either should go see a doctor (if it's a repeating occurence) or just take your time. You'll find words eventually (otherwise try to improve your language skills and boost your vocabulary).
The true being of the universe has absolutely no relation to literally anything you wrote.
Technically speaking, you either suffer from a severe condition or are what some people call a "religious robot". If have no better explanation for the utterly senseless stuff you write that is bursting from flawed pseudo-logic and absurd claims and false conclusions.