I seem to be experiencing a problem with the new CGMiner 2.6.1-official that was not affecting 2.5.0.Scrypt_beta_ee
CGMiner now seems to be seeing cards at times as sick and the program crashes. It has happened to each of my miners at least once since I switched from the 'EE' Beta 2.5.0 yesterday, to 2.6.1 Official.
The last beta ('EE') seemed to run fine for multiple days, but I have yet to experience a SOLID 24 hours from 2.6.1-Official.....without a crash.
The 'EE' version, for reference...
You know it's interesting, I'm in the middle of tracking down the cause of this exact issue for someone else. It turns out that the change to avoid flooding pools on longpoll means I limit outgoing connections - this means there is more likely to be a period a GPU is idle while waiting for work. Now what's interesting is that short periods of idle followed by huge bursts of activity again tend to make cards more unstable than running them flat out 100% of the time. Some testing showed the cards needed to have their clocks decreased quite a lot to be able to tolerate this. So overclocking which was fine before suddenly becomes unstable. I'm experimenting with a feature I call no-idle which gives GPUs fake work to keep them busy to see if this improves stability, but it's still early stages. If you have more stability with the scrypt patched 2.5.0, then by all means go with that for now.
Could this problem simply be a bi-product of the switch to displaying MH/s while SCRYPT mining in 2.6.1 ?
In the 2.5.0 'EE' SCRYPT Beta, CGMiner displayed KH/s exclusively (
GPU, Rig Summary/5s/AVG & API).
In 2.6.1, while SCRYPT mining, CGMiner seems to mix the 2 scales using KH/s for individual GPUs and then MH/s for Rig Summary/5s/AVG & API output.
Isn't this item the most significant difference that has changed from 2.5.0beta to 2.6.1official ? (
for SCRYPT mining anyway).
Could the 'sickness' simply be a low value output in MH/s, causing CGMiner to panic ?Would it be possible that when in --SCRYPT mode that the units displayed are 100% in KH/s ? (GPU, Rig Summary/5s/AVG & API output ?)
Or, perhaps have the option to specify in the CMD line using something like [ --units khash] or [--units mhash] ?
...Just a thought.
thanks again,