On insight.auroracoin.io the block #201537 exist.
In blockchain of a wallet this block isn't present.
The official seeds are as follows:
With regards to the block on the insight explorer we maintain: if you check the block history, you'll find that the block 201537 is correctly identified as this block- http://insight.auroracoin.io/block/47a57cbcb0e40390ac651808726da75245e85db72bc43c79672c3ac10d817ae7. As you can see, the block is labeled as being a version 2 block, which is indicative of the newer clients.
The block you posted, http://insight.auroracoin.io/block/5dfccbcd32ef2b7b988c843863b1fe77fdbe8154efc499b8497d4b1721c0ebe7, is a version 1 block, and it is not indexed in the list for correct chain. Version 1 blocks were mined from the old wallets, and in turn the incorrect fork that was caused by the bridge node being removed. Insight is reporting the block, but not that it's orphaned or a fork. This could be a limitation of the insight software, or an indication that we might need to do a reindex of the block DB to get the data squared away. We might just do this for good measure.
I'm sorry you mined on the wrong fork, but you need to stay on top of the coins you run on the pool so things like this don't happen.