1/ I'm testing the load value from custom JSON source. In my case, with the exchange rate.
I get a api like that (in the explorer) and the value that interest me is "buy":
But then I get the result witha a metric: x.xxxE-05
How can I find a artithmetric expression to that?
2/ Another question:
When I set a Custom provider, in this case in the exchange, It would be nice if we could see the name of the new provider instead of the original name
3/ And how get a buyPrice on CoinCalculators?
"name": "Grin_31",
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"image": "images/coin/grin.png",
"blockTime": 60.0,
"blockReward": 60.0,
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"marketCapUSD": 0.0,
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"percentChange_24h": -0.019512294599506763,
"percentChange_7d": 0.0,
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"name": "Poloniex",
"base": "BTC",
"quote": "GRIN",
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"quote": "GRIN",
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"change": 0.0,
"buyPrice": 0.00074,
"sellPrice": 0.00075,
"lastUpdate": 1553902505
"name": "Kucoin",
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"quote": "GRIN",
"price": 0.00075092877535450628,
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"lastUpdate": 1553902525
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"lastUpdate": 1553902515