You could put in TAB COINS, which has a field of notes .. OSea to avoid having to go to optios> search pool> see notes. They can be independent notes, that is, in the currency pool, a note, and in TAB COIN another. It is that if not, there are many clicks to look for information, for example, indicate that it has no volume, the exchange does not work and any note that I add from the currency research. Double click on the coin in COIN TAB and below the Exchanges selection a simple form where you can add that note. So it would be easy to consult because I do not have it active. As indicated, it may be a different note to that added in the currency pool. Being different there are no problems
In the Miners tab, we can mark the miners with some colors already established, red, green, yellow etc ... That is useful for when you have hundreds of rigs or equipment. But I would like an equal system in the coins tab. For example, I can mark in Green the coins that work for me, red ones that do not have exchanges or are bad exchages, yellow ones that are in Fork, blue ones that I have not yet reviewed and have come out the top.
The problem is, it is very frequent that I look at the same coin two or more times in one or two weeks, because as I can not leave notes, nor can I put the row of that coin of a color, it makes me repeat searches for information. A selector to put color to the rows, by default all white. But so I can mark in a color those that have some problem, and then double click on coins, see the note I made.
For me, the management of the coins is very important, and I do not waste my time reviewing it because I do not remember that I reviewed it days ago, because I am always reviewing coins. I've even been waiting for a certain currency to have more exchanges etc. That could do it very well with colors, with 6 or 7 it would be very good, just like it is in Miners.
If it does not fit, because you have the links to the calculators, those 4 links can be put only in a drop-down option, and leave space to assign colors to the coins. That would greatly facilitate my daily work. If I see that X coins are in the color that they lack a good exchange, I know that those coins of that color I have to check them every X days to see if they have new exchanges. If I mark a coin that is faulty, I know that over time I have to review it and if they do not fix it, I will remove it from the list. I can even mark in a certain color coins that have appeared on the top of Profit and know that I have to look for info of those coins, but I can do it another day or another time, but I know that I have X color waiting for check.
About the Notes - and this relates to a previous discussion about how pools are linked to a coin but not the other way around - what I've been thinking of doing is to add an easier way to edit a pool based on the selected coin on the Coins tab. If you right click on XMR in the Coin list, you would get a list of the pools using XMR, and clicking on any of these entries would open the Edit dialog for the selected pool. This supports the scenario where multiple pools reference the same coin as well.
thanks for thinking about the colors.
Forget the notes of pools and tabs coins. They would not be the same. The pool notes of a coin, will only be there, and serves to put observations on the pool or whatever.
And then other NOTES completely separated, in Coins Tabs. So without leaving coins tab I can put a note and a color. And even the suggestion of moopido to be able to hide a coin from the contextual menu of Coins, would be another good help. There that recoil the clicks.
I hope you understand now, that we can have two separate and separate notes, those that already exist in the currency pool, and another that will only exist in each currency in the COINS tab. Being able to write and read without getting out of there, and being able to color would give me a greater control and I did not pass the search for a coin several times in a period of time
The suggestion about coloring is noted, but will have to be prioritized among other requirements as well.