Use the GPU settings dialog, via the toolbar Tools -> GPU Settings) for adjusting GPU settings on a single GPU to verify that all settings works as expected
To verify if the GPU settings were applied successfully, use the Reload button in the GPU settings dialog to reload all properties from the AMD and nVidia GPU drivers.
If the values show up as expected, the GPU settings and overclocking operations have been successfully applied
If one or more settings didn't have the expected value, please report which GPU model and which setting that didn't work together with the Awesome Miner log file.
Do not use the MSI Afterburner application to check if the GPU settings were applied successfully. MSI Afterburner uses different overclocking concepts than other applications and may not display the current GPU settings correctly when set from other applications.
I have done a test and I do not see results. On one side of his help he says that you have to reload or update to see if the changes are reflected. I could leave a capture of that menu, sometimes the translations are not perfect.
It is not advisable to have MSI aftherburner installed, but it also does not indicate whether a change has been made. That's why it's important that you identify that GPU window for the native OC
If the native mode is not compatible with the RTX fans. How do we control them? Do they only go by car?
For me the important thing is to know if the OC changes are applied using the native mode, but I do not identify which part of the program I have to give to see the changes, I would appreciate a capture.
Bminer problems.
Now I have been seeing that if it is true that it does not need to include the -al-go in the miner's configuration. In fact it works for me with many algos, but when I tried it it was with tensory and there if it is true that it does not work, I suppose it will be the miner's own fault.
Just to clarify, it's no problem at all to have MSI Afterburner installed at the same time as you use the Native Overclocking in Awesome Miner.
The point is that MSI Afterburner works a bit differently than other overclocking tools you will find, and even if an application correctly set some GPU properties and clocks - there are scenarios where MSI Afterburner simply doesn't show all these changes in the user interface.
For this reason it's very difficult to use MSI Afterburner to verify if specific clocking settings have been successfully applied or not.
When testing and doing troubleshooting, it's typically better to use the "Reload" button in Awesome Miner. When you click this one Awesome Miner will forget about all GPU properties and read all the values from the nVidia/AMD driver API's again. If the clocking properties show up correctly after a "Reload" it's a good indications that they have been set correctly.
Example of how you can test the clocking with Awesome Miner, using the GPU settings dialog
1) Change one or several properties, like Core Clock Boost, Memory Clock Boost, Power Limit, ...
2) Click Apply. Now all settings should be applied
3) If you want to verify, click the Reload button. Awesome Miner will ask the nVidia/AMD drivers for the current settings and display them.
4) In case a property isn't what you expect it to be, please let me know:
a) GPU model
b) Name of the Property that didn't work and what you tried to set it to
c) The log file from the Remote Agent
You can also find many GPU related properties via the new "GPU Report" button in the Diagnostics dialog. I will also add this button to the GPU settings dialog in the next release. This one will be really good for seeing all GPU properties.
For RTX-2000 fans, I think MSI Afterburner is the only application that can modify it right now and they must have some secret way of doing that. I don't think any other OC application can modify the fan speed of RTX cards yet as the nVidia driver API reports that it isn't supported and prevents it. The plan is of course to try to find a way to support setting fan speed on these GPU's as well.