I've been playing around with the Linux remote agent. My first rig came up and started working right away, but I'm having issues with my 2nd rig. When I look at the remote agent log, I see a bunch of these:
Feb 08 15:25:37 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: IntelliBreeze.IntelliCom.Exceptions.ProtocolException: Too large Header/Content length
Feb 08 15:25:37 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:25:37 PM.696 [010] [S]Setting callback channel
Feb 08 15:25:37 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:25:37 PM.699 [010] [S]IntelliServer::AddChannel - Client:, Channel: 32 connected
Feb 08 15:25:37 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:25:37 PM.700 [010] [E]ChannelHandler::ReadAsync - Channel: 32 failed
After a while it changes to:
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.739 [064] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 669, CommunicationError
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.739 [064] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 481, CommunicationError
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.739 [064] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 357, CommunicationError
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.739 [064] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 292, CommunicationError
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.739 [028] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 356, CommunicationError
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.744 [028] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 223, CommunicationError
Feb 08 15:55:41 miner008 AwesomeMiner.RemoteAgent.Linux[4337]: 2/8/19 3:55:41 PM.744 [062] [E]ChannelHandler::CommandAsync - Channel: 224, CommunicationError
So in AM, the miner shows up as "Service offline", but when I go to Managed Hosts and click "Test connection", I get the following message:
Successfully connected to Awesome Miner Remote Agent/Service 6.1.11
I uninstalled and reinstalled the remote agent, but I still have the issue.
I'm running nvOC 19.30 (Ubuntu 18.04), btw. I like this distro since it is all setup for mining out of the box and has a bash file where I set the GPU clocks and power.
If there's another distro that provides basics I need, I'm not opposed to give that a go. What Linux distro do you guys use with AM?
EDIT: Did a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server and after getting it all setup with the latest drivers, etc, I installed the remote agent. Getting the exact same errors as on the nvOC distro.